God's Generational Faithfulness Continues

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Inspiration #8

Psalms 100:5 NLT

For the lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Oftentimes, our idea of generation is tied to that of family- the elders die out and the younger takes over. This is partially correct. Even more so, sometimes we believe that a generation is based upon a period of 70-100 years (being politically correct, that's true). But, when the Bible refers to 'generation,' it means "the people (both young and old) living of the same period, living at the same time." Therefore, my grandmother (who's still alive) and I are in the same generation by biblical standards.

Accordingly, this verse promises that God was not only faithful during the days of Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Disciples, but his faithfulness to the things He's spoken continues from one generation to the next. Although we didn't live during the times of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, their God, our Lord and Savior, is still faithful and true to his word even up to this present generation we now live in.

Praise God for his faithfulness continuing and not ceasing. Yes, the God of old mentioned in the Bible is still working and ever-present, and desiring to do wonders even in this generation today.

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