It's Going to Work Out for Your Good

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Inspiration #2

Psalms 103:6

 "The LORD gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfarily."

In this life, we sometimes fall in the hands of crafty people--people who use their power and/or positions of authority to plan schemes and vicious attacks against us, which undoubtedly harms others. Because we serve a faithful and sovereign God. He whispers, "I got this!"

Some people question, "But does this work even if I've done something wrong?" My answer is: who has NOT done something wrong? Did the Israelite's deserve for God to spare and save them from their enemies? (Psalms 103:7). Did David deserve to remain king and have his throne established forever (He planned a man's murder and committed adultery, remember?) Did Peter deserve to remain a disciple when he clearly denied Jesus not once, but three times? Did Paul, the once persecutor of the church, deserve to be the minister (God-appointed apostle) to carry the gospel to the Gentiles (Ephesians 3:7), a mystery that no one, not even the prophets foresaw? The answer is undoubtedly, NO.

If we're basing God's Word and Him being proactive in our live based upon the deserving, it's none of us then. No one deserves God's grace--His unexpected, undeserved benefits. But because He wants to, this is why God will intervene on each of our behalf's. God doesn't want any of His children being treated unfairly. He might allow it for a time, but you can always rest assured, in His sovereignty, things will change soon. There will be a brighter day. After all, Paul tells us, under the inspiration of the Spirit, "I [God], taketh (catches by surprise) the wise in their own craftiness" (I Corinthians 3:18). God's goodness then leads us to repentance, a tushavah--a complete 180.

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