The Naomi Attitude

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Inspiration #23

Ruth 1:20-21 NLT

“Don’t call me Naomi,” she responded. “Instead, call me Mara, for the Almighty has made life very bitter for me. I went away full, but the lord has brought me home empty. Why call me Naomi when the lord has caused me to suffer and the Almighty has sent such tragedy upon me?”

This is the way many of us act toward God when He allows something adverse in our lives. We blame Him rather and develop a 'woe is me attitude.' This type of attitude is also a type of pride. God never ever ever allows anything to happen in our lives if He does not plan to use it. Yes, most definitely, we are to express our emotions. But- in the process, constantly remind yourself 1)God is sovereign and 2) God is faithful. He must be up to something. 

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