A Word on Adversity

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Inspiration #10

Just a moment ago, my aunt told me that while at Sunday School, she was told by her grace- preaching Sunday School teacher that God doesn't ALLOW adverse situations in our life. But- our verse reveals otherwise.

When we focus on the sovereignty of God, the high and loftiness of His person, we realize that He is over it all. American culture has turned God into a Mr. Goodie Tooshoes who does not intervene in our life at all, especially when something happens that's adverse.

Actually, that type of God is stalemate and drabe. God is involved in every, absolutely EVERY aspect of our lives, hence this is why He is God. God has reasons and purposes for using evil in our lives. It's never pointless and it's never eternal or everlasting. It's only temporary as He is jealous for our attention even when we're living like hell. Why? Because He knows best on how to call us back to Himself, even if that means using some evil or adverse force. He loves you!

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