He Changes Facts

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Inspiration #6

Judges 13:3 NLT

The angel of the lord appeared to Manoah’s wife and said, “Even though you have been unable to have children, you will soon become pregnant and give birth to a son.

The Scriptures tell us that the things we can see are temporary,  but the things we can't see are eternal. In other words, don't fix your eyes on the here and now. Learn to see God as sovereign. The God who has the power to change facts. Nothing is beyond His reach. He allows the kingdom of darkness to set up temporary facts in our life to only come back and change the facts in Satan's face. In the long run, He gets the glory because the individual knows it was divine intervention that could change the facts of their situation.

In this Scripture, we see clearly that Manoah's wife had all the signs of a barren woman incapable of having a baby. Jesus, the angel of the LORD, comes down and pretty much says, in layman's terms: "Who cares what those temporary evil, Satan-devised, deceptive facts say, I say YOU WILL HAVE A SON!" HALLELUJAH to our God who supersedes and defies the temporary facts. He's the God that changing facts.

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