Recognizing His Sovereignty

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Inspiration #4

Judges 16:28 NLT

Then Samson prayed to the lord , “Sovereign lord , remember me again. O God, please strengthen me just one more time. With one blow let me pay back the Philistines for the loss of my two eyes.”

Oftentimes, when problems lull on in our lives, we easily become depressed and overwhelmed due to the fact that we are uncomfortable in our present situation. As a result, we try and fix the problem. We've internalized that old saying, “You've made your bed, now you gotta lay in it.” For a while, we will lay in that bed, (in our own strength), but after a while, we get tired of “laying in our bed,” so we get up and try to fix the situation (in our own strength) and that's where the problem comes in. Really, it takes no strength/effort at all to wallow in your own mess, however, it takes the strength of a sovereign God to remove us from that bed of affliction and adversity. Yes, we did make the bed (9 times out 10) but we DO NOT have to lay in it. We won't be able to pull ourselves out of adversity at any time we want, but we have a God that's sovereign. He has all power and control to do whatever he needs to change situations on our behalf.

Samson realized that, yes, he had created a disaster by revealing his secret to Delilah. But after wallowing in the fields of the Philistines, he remembered, I have a God that's sovereign. He can change anything. He has the power to set up scenarios that will cause us to triumph every time as He is on our side. In his prayer, Samson acknowledges God's sovereignty; and as a result, God goes to work on his behalf causing him to die a victorious death and pay back vengenance on the Philistine people.

Gods sovereignty and His faithfulness is the key to wade through every storm and every valley experience in our lives.

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