God's Glory is Defensive

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Inspiration #35

1 Samuel 5:7 NLT

When the people realized what was happening, they cried out, "We can't keep the Ark of the God of Israel here any longer! He is against us! We will all be destroyed along with Dagon, our god."

1 Samuel 5:11 NLT

The people summoned the Philistine rulers again and begged them, "Please send the Ark of the God of Israel back to its own country, or it will kill us all." For the deadly plague from God had already begun, and great fear was sweeping across the town.

Here lately, because the "it" phrase is: the glory, you hear more and more people talking about their desire for The Glory to come amongst them and in their services.

The Glory of God is dofferbt than the term glory in and of itself. Glory is defined as, "to magnify, to make bigger, to increase." This is why David said, "Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together" (Psalm 34:3 NIV). We are to constantly glorify the Father in all things. In other words, we should desire to make Him great. And we do that with our mouth. Open your mouth and speak the greatness of God.

However, "the glory" is different. The is an definite article. If I said, grab "the book from the table," then it wouldn't be any book, but a particular one in which I am referring to. Likewise, if I said, "the pot on the stove has a lot of water in it;" I would not be talking about any pot, but a particular one. The Glory is a shroud or cover that enveloped the God of all gods and King of all Kings.

The Ark of the Covenant was the very throne of God on earth as His presence, shrouded by The Glory (cloud) was in between the two cherubim. This is why when the ark was being traveled around, it (God between the cherubim) was causing such a stir in the enemies' camps. The Glory was defensive to anything that was not the will of God. Hence, this is why the battle of the Israelites and the Philistines was lost that day. Actually, more Israelites died on that day then any other day. God's will was not for the ark to be brought out to battle as Phineas and Hophni, the two bad priests, had approved. As a result, The Glory became defensive to anything opposite the will of the Father.

Today, I think that if more people understood Gods holiness and The Glory that protects Him, it wouldn't necessarily stop them for asking for The Glory, God's manifested presence to come, but they would realize that if and when it comes, anything that's not in conformity to His will, will be handled accordingly. Therefore, when we're praying for The Glory to come, we need to make sure that we're not living in blatant sin and participating in obvious evils as Gods holiness CANT be near it.

Yes, we're washed in the blood of the lamb and as a result, this is why The Glory hasn't come too often because God is merciful not wanting any to perish. The Glory will come in the midst of our assemblies when people begin to unite in the spirit and to seek God with all their hearts, which means they finally die to self and all its evil and impure cravings. Then the manifested presence of God, The Glory, will come.

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