Girl Next Door

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I can't believe she did this to me. We were engaged and she went and cheated on me. I already told Ian and Anthony that I wouldn't be back for a while. It hurts too much. I barely leave my apartment. Nothing helps, not video games or even candy. My two favorite things. I've never felt a pain like this. I thought she was the one I was going to start my life with, have kids with, spend forever with. I guess nothing lasts forever. I can't remember the last time I got up. As soon as I found out I cried for days on end. I got rid of all of her stuff. Everything smelled like her. Everything of hers I burned. I couldn't stand it. He was better than me. After I gave her everything and tried my best. She broke me. She was my world. Everything I do reminds me of her. She's everywhere. I can't help but think of how happy she must be now that she's free of me. I roll out of bed and groan as I was awakened by my cold tile floor. I could hear faint yelling from outside and the sounds of a big truck driving away. I quickly remember that the apartment next door was for sale. Someone must be moving in. Oh well. Not my problem. I hear a loud crash and get up. I grab my doorknob twisting it and pull open my creaky door. I see a girl cursing under her breath after dropping what looked to be a box of baking utensils. Cute. What am I thinking? I quickly shut my door and slide my back down to the floor.


I curse hoping no one would hear me. Of course, I had to drop the one thing I use the most. I moved here to open my own bakery. I bought a building a few weeks ago. Then I found a decent apartment in my price range. It was $2,000 with an extravagant view of the city. I expected it to cost more. It is Los Angeles after all. I look up and see a man standing on the porch next door. He looked as if he hadn't slept in a few days and his silvery-white hair was a mess. He looked at me with a slight smile before his expression changed entirely. He looked angry and quickly shut his door. He seems already like a jerk. But then again like I said its Los Angeles. It's way bigger than the small little town that I chose to run away from. Nothing ever happened there except people spreading rumors and lies. That's why I left. Too many lies and to little people.

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