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"Will you make me one severely lucky guy and be my girlfriend?"

Aria sat there staring, speechless as if all words had escaped her mind.

"Wes... I don't know what to say," she's so cute when she's shocked. I smile to myself. 3 small knocks on the door make Aria jump up, startled.

"I ordered room service, I hope you don't mind." She laughs a little.

"Lemme guess it's all chocolate."

"No..." She wipes her face and fixes her clothes before opening the door. 

"Good Evening," The room service assistant says, pushing the cart inside. He sets everything on the table. Aria seemed completely different, she carried herself with a respectable and proper manner. I've never seen her like this. 

"Have a good night Sir," Aria replies to the man, now leaving our room. She spoke so proper. That's how she had to grow up? It's sad really, that she had to become a whole new person to fit in. She couldn't be the person she wanted to be. As the door closes her shoulders slump and she becomes the person I first met. I frowned. I didn't want her to have to pretend with me. She turns around and I can't help but smile at the dorky grin that swept over her perfect face. 

"Aria, how can you go from a proper lady to an absolute dork in a split second?" She makes this face. It reminds me so much of Damian's weird smile, they would probably be best friends. 

"How do you go from being an editor with a shit ton of filming equipment to being a complete gamer in a split second?" I look at her with a defeated look as she lifts the cover off a plate. Her crystal blue eyes widen taking in the tray as a small squeal escapes her mouth. It was the healthiest thing out of everything I ordered. Chocolate Dipped Strawberries. I stare for a few seconds, an endearing grin on my face.

"These are my favorite things in the whole world," She giggles, stuffing one in her mouth before turning back to me. I chuckle.

"Duly Noted," My face drops, "but you didn't answer my question." How could I be so stupid! I didn't think about the fact she might not like me like that... But she did kiss me. Someone like her deserves someone who's...More... She doesn't answer...

"It's fine, I understand," I lean over, resting my face in my palms. "I'm such an idiot," I mumble to myself."

"No! No! Wes! I do want to, I was just so shocked and after a while, I just thought my brain had made that up and I was daydreaming." She tackles me onto the bed. 

"So?" I smile, laying back on the bed.

"Yes, I will be your girlfriend!" She squeals. I rest one hand on the small of her back and the other on the back of her head. She was finally mine. She shifts her small figure curling into me. She was like a small bear. 

"Are you ready for your fitting tomorrow? I already had the designer pick out a few designs she felt fit your style and matched the colors." She groans and rolls around I can't help but chuckle at her cuteness.

"I hate dresses," She says dragging out the A in hate.

"You're gonna look gorgeous, you always do."

"Wes?" she asks tilting her head to look at me.

"Yeah?"I watch her as she tries to contain her giggles.

"You look hot in glasses," She says finally letting her laughs escape.

"Thank you, Love, you are quite adorable yourself," I smile, kissing the top of her head. 

"Shut it, Wes," She blushes.

"C'mon lets get up and enjoy our desert."


He sits up, picking me up. He throws me onto the couch before grabbing the trays full of sweets. I grab my controller and open Netflix. Travis still had an account on mine... I never got rid of it, I honestly can't remember why. I quickly delete it before Wes sees.

"You know you don't have to hide your past from me?" He replies plopping down next to me with a bowl of ice cream in hand. I look at him confused.

"I just wanted you to know that you don't have to hide things from me, I won't treat you any different, I want to know everything about you," He smiles warmly.

"Fine, my full name is Aria Rebecca Sinclair, I'm 23, My birthday is July 29th and my all time favorite movie is The Nightmare Before Christmas, and I guess you can say I never truly grew out of the emo "phase"." I laugh.

"Who's your favorite superhero?"

"Batman or Deadpool."

"Deadpool isn't a hero."

"He is in my book."


"Well, obviously Harley Quinn although she did help save the world once." He rolls his eyes at me and eats his ice cream

"What about you Mr. Wesley, who are you really?" I say narrowing my eyes suspiciously.

"Well I'm Wesley Alan Johnson, I am an 11-year-old trapped in a 30-year-olds body." 

"You don't look your age, you look like I'd say about 25," I grab his face and examine it.

"I personally like Batman and Captain America, I still shop at Hot Topic and I love chocolate pancakes."

"That's pretty obvious." He pouts at me.

"Also, I help run a youtube channel, I even have one of my own."

"Shut up!" I laugh, "There's no freaking way." He takes the controller, opening Youtube before searching Smosh Games. I stare in disbelief, wow, it makes so much sense why he has so many cameras now.

"Also I am a big fan of almost every weapon you can imagine, I own a lot of knives and guns."

"I own a 9mm it's in the drawer of my nightstand." I eat a few strawberries as he plays a video from a few Christmas's ago. It was a try not to laugh.

"Hey! It's Joven and Flitz," I say pointing at the screen.

"Yeah, I work with them, and that's Damian, he's a good friend of mine," He points at a guy with brown hair and a derpy face. 

"No wonder you two seem to have a lot in common."

"Hahaha," He laughs sarcastically.

"Who's that," I ask pointing to a pretty African girl with long black hair.

"That's Boze, she's the fun one," He laughs.

"She's really pretty!"

"She'd die if she found out I was dating someone who is as good of a gamer as you." Then it hit me. He had fans, how was he going to tell them... What if they hated me... What if... Those words swirled around my head the rest of the night before sleep swallowed them.

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