Love and Hate

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I can't believe what she's wearing for MY wedding. Amanda, my maid of honor, found them at an expensive dress store. God she's trying so hard to impress Wes. She probably can't afford half of the shit she's buying. Wes is most likely paying for everything himself. He deserves better. She's too ugly for him. His eyes weren't even on me when we were at the airport! I'm the gorgeous one compared to that trash. I hate her, I'm gonna end them.  That way I get the happy ending I deserve. But how am I going to end them in such short notice? I sit on the couch my computer resting on my lap. I search Wes, editor, I search through his social media, he had a lot of pictures with another girl, but none of Aria. Interesting. 

"Isabelle huh," I say as Travis walks in. 

"What," he replies leaning over my shoulder, "Is that Wes, with another girl?" I nod.

"That bastard."


We agreed to be Sophia and Jack at the old Diner we used to love in high school. Wes, of course, was excited to meet Michael, my little buddy. We choose a table an wait for Sophia and Jack. 

"Awiaaaaa!" I hear a child yell as he runs toward me.

"Hey Mikey," I smile and pick up the small child. Wes smiles at me.

"Hiiii!" Mikey squeals, his mom Sophia only a few steps behind him.

"Hey Rockstar," Sophia laughs.

"Hey, Soph," I smile and side hug her.

"So did you settle into Cali well?" Jack asks stepping next to Sophia.

"Yeah I did, I moved into a really nice place, opened my own bakery that's doing extremely well, and I met someone who has become a big stepping stone in my life," I smile at Wes who was currently playing with Mikey. Wes brings his attention back to the adults.

"Sorry, I really love kids, I helped raise a lot of my siblings, I'm Wes by the way," He rambles.

"He's my dorky nerd of a boyfriend." Sophia squeals.

"He's so good with Mikey, that's rare." Jack chuckles.

"He's a man child on his own, but I can see him being a good dad," I hand Mikey off to Wes as we sit down. Wes sits Michael between me and him. We all order and talk about how much has changed and the old memories we had.

"Remember the first time we snuck out in high school and we pretty much fell out of my window," Soph laughs. 

"That was our sophomore year, god we were so young then," I laugh. We were so stupid but we had more fun than anyone else. Life was so simple and easy back then. I sip my soda as Sophia talks about how much the town has "Evolved."

"I take it you got invited to the wedding of the century since it is Adeline's big day and all," Sophia rolls her eyes, "rumor has it she's pregnant." I nearly spit out my drink. She couldn't have kids, she got her tubes tied in high school. She said it was because she didn't want her future husband to take his attention off of her. She hated kids with a passion. 

"That's hilarious since, in fact, she can't have kids." Wes laughs as Mikey pulls his glasses off his face.

"You're kidding, right? Are you gonna tell Travis?" 

"No, I'm not gonna tell him until after he's married her since his family doesn't believe in divorce," I smirk. He got himself into this.

"You are so evil, Aria Sinclair."

"Are you going to bear witness to the shit show that the wedding is gonna be."

"I wasn't planning on it but now I want to after hearing all of this, has she met Wes yet?"

"Yeah, I could tell she took a liking towards him, I mean damn she wants everything I have."

"Well she can live without me because one I'm not leaving you because I love you too much, two bitchy southern bells aren't my type she looks like she starves herself," Wes pipes in clearly listening to our conversation. 

"Aww, Wes you're so good for Aria I can already tell."

"So how's work going for you, Jack?" I say, he seemed left out.

"It's been boring as usual, I mean how interesting can being a lawyer be in this small town," he sighs.

"Wes, what do you do for a living?" He asks turning his attention to the man child.

"I'm an Editor, although I would much rather be a lawyer," he laughs.

"I'm a spy!" Mikey yells out of nowhere.

"That's awesome Mikey, I always wanted to be a spy, you're so cool!" Wes says playing along with the child. I smile at him lovingly, he was so perfect, I hope he gets the pleasure of being a dad one day.

"So what color dress are you wearing to the wedding?" Soph asks.

"I'm wearing black," I laugh.

"Fitting," she laughs with me.

"I can't believe how long it has been since we were here last, we had such fond memories," I smile.

"Have you talked to your parents? I know you guys didn't end well but I'm sure they'll be proud to hear how great you've become," she smiles. I lower my head.

"I hope, I know how badly they wanted me to stay, but I always felt out of place with them."

"I know how you feel, that's why I was so glad to meet Sophia, she was the first person besides you who truly understood me," Jack smiles pulling his wife close.

"Wes, you better keep her, Aria is the best girl a guy could ever hope for, and if you hurt her even once I will break you," Sophia threatens.

"Soph!" I laugh.

"Trust me I wouldn't she's not someone I want to lose," Wes replies sincerely, leaning over and kissing my cheek.

"Aww," Sophia cooes. Dinner comes, Wes and Jack have a competition to see who could drink the most milkshakes and for a moment I feel like I'm back in high school. 

"I can't believe you beat me by 2," Jack huffs.

"I love Milkshakes and honestly those were some of the best I have ever have," Wes smiles, and shakes Jacks hand.

"Nice to have met you, Wes, I hope you guys have a nice night," Sophia winks after putting Michael, who was already fast asleep, in his car seat.

"Sophia," I laugh shaking my head, "See you guys tomorrow at the wedding." Wes opens the passenger door for me, before getting in the drivers' side. A few minutes into the drive back to the hotel, Wes breaks the silence.

"I want to meet your parents," he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"You're joking, right?" I ask.

"No, I want to meet them, they need to know that you're okay Aria." He was right, I hadn't spoken to them since I left, I even got a new number so they couldn't contact me. 

"Okay, Wes," I sigh, "we'll go see my parents Sunday."

"Good, oh and Aria?"

"Yeah, Wes?"

"I love you." 

"I love you too Wes," I smile.

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