I Forgive You.

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I lay here staring at the wall, Andre's arm wrapped tightly around my waist. The smell of alcohol radiated off him like most nights. I didn't want him here. I didn't want my child to be raised with that kind of a father. He could barely support himself. I wanted Wes, he would've been a better father. I hope this child is his and not Andre's god forbid the child to be raised by a drunken stoner. I shouldn't have cheated on him. He would've been proud to have a child. Andre cared more about abusing himself rather than the child I was carrying. When he found out he wanted me to get an abortion. He's hell-bent on believing the child isn't his. I tried contacting Wes, he wouldn't answer. I drove by his house, but he wasn't home. I could always text Joven or Damien or something. I'm sure they know what's going on with him. I miss him. Without him, I feel broken. He was a big part of my life and I just gave that up. I want this child to be his. I've hit my breaking point with Andre. I grab my phone from the nightstand.

Isabelle: Joven do you know what's up with Wes? He hasn't answered me and he wasn't home.

Joven: He's back in Ohio for a few days, he went to a wedding with a friend of his.

Isabelle: When will he be back? I really need to talk to him.

Joven: He comes back Tuesday.

Isabelle: Thank you Joven, Goodnight

I'm going to convince Wes to take me back. I miss him too much to bear. He deserves to be a father, not Andre.


I wake to find the spot next to be cold and barren. The bed was empty, Aria was gone. I get up and spot her sitting on the balcony alone, staring at the city. I grab a blanket and slide open the glass door that was separating us. She jumps a bit and turns around.

"I figured you'd be out here," I smile looking at her. Her eyes were puffy, she had clearly been crying.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't wake you," She frowns.

"No, I just woke up to my cuddly bear missing," I wrap the blanket around her shoulders.

"So much has changed but by looking at it you can't tell, everything is still the same boring place I left, but on the inside, everything is crumbling yet no one cares to notice." She curled up in the chair clinging to the blanket.

"I'm sorry about today, I know it's been hard on you," I lean against the ledge.

"I want to stop time right here, right here with you," She smiles. The sun started peaking over the buildings, filling the horizon with orange-pink light. I turn back facing her, she quickly slipped her phone back into her pocket.

"You know you could make that a career," I laugh and stand behind her, leaning over her chair with my arms wrapped around her neck.

"I want to tell them, your fans, and everyone else," she replies, holding my hand tightly.

"Really?" I question. She nods.

"I don't care if they hate me, I need to stop trying to shelter myself from pain because look what happened while I was too invested in leaving, I missed things that would've made me stay."

"I know, baby trust me I know, it's why I'm not ever moving back to Ohio, too much bad happens here," I laugh.

"Tell me, what's the worst thing that's happened to you here?"

"Well, I almost pissed myself in a parking lot." She laughs. I release her and sit on the chair next to her. She gets up and sits on my lap, curling into me.

"Tell me about it?" She smiles giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine fine, I was working as a casting director, and one night I was packing up some camera equipment along with some of my guns because I was going to the shooting range after, well I was putting everything in my car and across the street was a club that was kinda known for bar fights and what not, this car pulls up about a foot away from my bumper and four guys get out, two of them have knives I can see, so me, being the person I am, I grab my rifle, put an empty magazine in it and stand there, I asked them "Do you really wanna do this?" I hoped I was scaring them because all they had to do was keep walking towards me and I was fucked." She laughs and bit and nuzzles her head into my chest waiting for me to continue. "Finally after standing there for long enough, I scared absolutely shitless with an empty gun in my hands, one of them curses under their breath and they all get back in the car and leave, I nearly pissed myself."

"Wow, that's actually really scary, I would've probably done the same," I laugh.

"Tell me something that's happened to you."

"I was bullied in high school, I looked preppy but I was extremely emo," She laughs.

"I was bullied because I looked like a Jock but I was a huge Nerd."

"Well, I guess we're simply meant to be."

"Yeah your emo," I laugh.


"Shut up Wes," I mumble trying to pout, I fail horribly and burst into laughter. He made my life so much better, he made me so happy. With him, I felt like I could rule the world and nothing could harm me. I wasn't ready to go home so soon. We had two days left, to days left to spend alone. I smile and look up at him, he was too perfect.

"Don't tell me to shut up babygirl," he chuckles, "you know what I know what we are gonna do today."


"We're telling everyone about us." I perk up.


"Yes really, but first, let me see your phone so I can post the picture you took of me," he smirks. I blush slightly embarrassed.

"I was hoping you wouldn't see that," I laugh slightly and take out my phone, handing it to him. He signs into his Instagram, posting the photo with the caption "Spent the beautiful morning with my even more beautiful girlfriend." He posts it and I blush more.

"You're really talented, never forget that," he kisses the top of my head.

"I won't." I grab my phone as Wes gets up, and heads back inside. He forgot to log out, I read the comments and one really sticks out to me.

reminawest: @WesIrl I want you back I'm sorry for what I did can we talk at least? Can you forgive and forget?

Fucking Isabelle... She needs to stay out of his life. I quickly log out and growl. I look back to see Wes holding his phone with a look of anger on his face. He calms and quickly types something before throwing it back on the nightstand. He walks and stands back in the open doorway.

"Come inside, it's getting cold out here," He smiles warmly at me. I get up still clutching the blanket tightly against me. He puts his hand on the small of my back. He sits on the couch, I hesitate.

"What's wrong?" He asks concerned.

"Did you see it?"

"Yes, I did, I want you to know she's out of my life," he smiles, "I told her I forgave her though because if she hadn't done what she did I wouldn't have ended up in love with the best girl in the world."

"I forgive you"... Hopefully, she leaves it at that. I can't lose him.

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