She's Gone

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I can't believe she is doing this. It's the only way but still... Damien wouldn't want this. 

"We ran the tests, her heart would work," the doctor says. Jenna was behind him. Wes tenses up, Shayne's eyes start to water and tears stream down his face. Jenna was really doing this. 

"You're brave Jenna, really brave," I whisper, hugging her.

"Promise me you and Wes will take care of Damien for me," She sniffles.

"I promise Jenna," I cry a bit, "I won't forget you."

"Good, also Aria?"


"Do me a favor, leave me an open seat at your wedding," She laughs a bit.

"What do you-" She cuts me off.

"You and Wes are meant for each other, trust me, you two will have a happy ending."

"I'm sorry that this is your ending Jenna."

"I'm not, this is the best ending I could ever hope for."

"It's time to go," the doctor says. Jenna nods and goes to say her goodbyes to everyone. Before she goes, she pulls Wes aside on his own. She whispers something to him then hands him an envelope. 

"Goodbye Jenna," He hugs her as a small smile appears on his face, "and thank you, for saving him."

"Goodbye Wes, take care of Aria and watch out for Damien for me."

"Will do Jenna." The doctor leads her away. It was only a matter of time now. Wes comes back to me and pulls my body tightly against him.

"Promise me you would never do something like that, I wouldn't be able to live with myself knowing you were gone because of me."

"I can't make that promise, if it came down to me being able to save you if it meant killing me, I would choose to save you."


We spent a few more hours waiting to hear news about Damien. Boze and Aria were fast asleep in the waiting room chairs. Boze's head rested on Aria's shoulder. Joven, Matthew, and David were having their own conversation. Shayne and Courtney were sitting in the corner completely silent. I was on edge. How did Jenna know about my plans? How did she know I was going to propose to Aria?

"The surgery was a success," the doctor walks out. Everyone perks up.

"When can we see him?" I ask.

"He is in recovery right now, he should wake up soon, I'd like to have you tell him about you know..." The doctor replies, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"I understand... This probably won't end well..."

"It's gonna crush him," Aria pipes in, wiping under her eyes with her sleeves. The doctor is called away by a nurse and we are left in our dark silence again.

"When did you wake up?" I ask, watching the small girl next to me.

"A few minutes ago, I had a weird dream about Jenna, she was rambling on about her funeral, how she wanted everyone to wear white instead of black and be happy instead of being sad," she mutters, "what's worse is I saw her with this dark figure, I saw the same figure after my mom passed and it fucking scared me."

"Why didn't you tell me when you first saw it?"

"Because it was stupid, I was convinced I was just seeing things, or going crazy."

"I would've cared to know,  what do you think it means?"

"It means I'm crazy," She mumbles.

"Crazy doesn't even begin to describe you."

"Thanks," She sighs. 

"Baby, I didn't mean it in a bad way," I say, grabbing her wrist as she tries to walk off.

"I'm just stressed out, and the accident doesn't make things easier, god do you know how badly this is gonna hurt Damien, it's gonna crush him entirely." She walks off down the hallway towards the exit. Boze follows her closely.

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