Welcome Home

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I was nudged awake by a Wes who was currently in the middle of enjoying a beer. I grumble. 

"We're about to land," he laughs.

"So? I still wanna sleep," I whine.

"You have to get up," he smiles, "Although you look extremely adorable when you're sleeping." I blush and punch his shoulder. I hate him, he's too sweet.

"Hey, Hey, I'm supposed to be your boyfriend remember?" He smirks. I roll my eyes as he wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"We will be descending shortly," the pilot says over the intercom. 

"I'm not ready for this," I say trying not to let my nervousness show.

"We got this, you're gonna be fine," he smiles, "I'll be here every step of this." I take a deep breath and plaster on a smile. I didn't tell Wes that we were meeting Adeline and Travis at the airport. I wasn't ready to see their faces. I haven't seen them in person since that night. Sure Adeline "apologized" but I didn't care. I was still furious. I lean forward, forcing Wes to move his arm. What's done is done. They're getting married. There's no changing that. They deserve each other though. I can't remember how many times Adelines cheated on her boyfriends. So they are both cheating fuckers. The plane lands and everyone starts to get off. Wes helps me get my bag, making jokes all the way to baggage claim. I kept calling him a dork and nerd because of his glasses. He decided to wear them more often. Probably because they make him so much hotter. We stand at baggage claim, him saying remarkably stupid pickup lines causing me to giggle. 

"ARIAAAAA!" a familiar voice yells and jumps on my back.

"Hey Adeline," I laugh.

"Woah Adeline, give her some space she just got here," a voice says from a distant, causing me to tense up. Travis... 

"Shut up Travy! I am going to hug my best friend no matter what," she giggles before letting me go.

"So where's your new best friend! I know you had to have met so many cool people in Cali!" she squeals.

"Ahem," Wes clears his throat.

"Oh please dude she's not interested," Travis says. That makes my blood boil he wouldn't know my interests if they bit him in the ass. I walk over to Wes and laugh. His arm snakes around my waist. He had a serious look on his face and I could see the anger welling behind his eyes.

"Actually Travis, this is my boyfriend, Wes," I smile. Damn, that's fun to say. Travis grits his teeth and glares at me. 


God if only I had taken a picture of his face. He was furious. Aria seemed to be having fun with this.

"Nice to meet you, Travis," I say extending my hand to him. He shakes it grudgingly. 

"You too Wes," he says trying his best to smile. Adeline squeals.

"I'm so excited to have you back here! Welcome Home!" She smiles at Aria. Aria shifts her attention to me. I smile down at her and kiss her nose. She blushes. We quickly grab our luggage and follow Adeline out.

"So how'd you two meet?" Travis asks. Aria opens her mouth to speak but I quickly cut her off.

"We met at her bakery, I fell in love the first time I saw her, she carried herself with such grace, plus she so damn beautiful." Aria hides her face in my arm.

"How was the flight? I know how much you hate flying coach," Adeline asks, a slight smirk appearing on her face.

"Actually we were first class," Aria says smugly.

"Oh." Adeline already looks so defeated.

"What do you do for a living Wes?" Travis says gripping Aria's suitcase hard, causing his knuckles to turn white.

"I am an Editor, I also help write scripts," I smirk.

"Aria what's wrong you haven't really said much?" Adeline asks. Aria lifts her head.

"Nothing just wondering how I got so damn lucky to meet Wes." This is gonna be a fun weekend.

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