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That was it, he was gone, she was back and I lost my world. He was happy with her and I can't change that. I head back to work, not caring about the stuff I had come back for.

"Hey, Boss? Can I have the night off?" Abigale, one of my workers, asks.

"Yeah, whatever, I'm probably gonna close up soon anyway," I say and walk behind the counter.

"What happened? You were so happy this morning," She seemed concerned.

"It's nothing, I'll be fine," I manage to smile.

"Okay... I'll finish up with these customers, take a break okay? Call Wes if I can't help," She smiles. I look down and nod. The door chimes and Abigale laughs.

"Speak of the devil." I look up and see him, a smile plastered on his face. He goes to hug me but I flinch.

"Don't, I don't want to be touched."

"What's wrong Baby?" His voice was full of fear, yet I could hear guilt echoing in it.

"Don't call me that, just get out Wes, please," I let the tears fall down my face. I can't let this continue.

"Not until you tell me what's wrong," He steps closer to me. I step back and look up at him.

"Get. Out." He steps closer. I shove him back.

"I said get out!" I yell.

"Why Aria?" I didn't notice the tears forming in his eyes until they fell.

"I can't do this Wes, you're going to have a kid, I can't be in the way of that, that kid can't grow up in a broken family, I know what it's like, no one needs to go through that, goodbye Wes." Tears streamed down our faces. I couldn't do it. Eventually, he would fall for her again and I don't want to be a casualty I've been hurt too much.

"Aria, don't do this, let me explain."

"I saw you two, I saw how happy you were with her, this was supposed to happen, I'm not going to stand around and be forced to compete with her, you need to choose her over me, she's having your kid, you need to be with her."

"Not if it means I'm going to lose you!" He raises his voice slightly.

"I'm leaving Wes, try your best to forget about me, you have a life to live now," I head for the door, a tight grasp makes its way to my wrist.

"Aria, no..."

"Abigale lock up when you're done, you're in charge now, goodbye Wes." I make my way out of his grip. I lost a part of myself. I get in my car and drive. I don't know where I'm headed and frankly, I don't care. I want away from here. Away from all the pain. Away from my life. Once I arrived at an old park I had discovered my first week here, I texted my mom.

"I'm coming home," I whispered to myself as I booked a flight. This time, I'm not turning back.

Third Person:

Two hearts were broken that night. Another was filled with hatred and envy. One was slowly shutting down. Wes and Aria had strayed worlds apart. The next morning Aria was leaving. Selling her apartment and closing her bakery. Her dreams had been crushed. Wes had to grow up and start learning how to father a child that was soon to come. Wes waited for Aria to come home that night but she never did. He sat waiting at the window for her. He wasn't going to accept that he had lost her. Isabelle accepted it too much. Her plan worked. As for the child. It wasn't his. But telling the truth would ruin Wes forever. After all she knew how badly he wanted to be a father. She knew exactly how to get him back. He fell in traps too easily. That night a single heart stopped beating. Shaking everyone's world. Sad thing is. No one was sheltered from this pain.

"Aria no!" I screamed as she placed the gun against her heart.
"But why you've already broke it, you'd only be saving me," she smiles. My finger was on the trigger I tried my best to stop myself but I couldn't move.
I jolted out of my slumber in tears. Reality hit me as the days events replayed in my head. This was the end. This was how I was going to die. My heart ached. I didn't want to move. I should call her.  I thought she'd love me forever. Maybe Travis put her up to this. No. I did this. She saw me and Isabelle. She must've thought I was still in love with her. But she knows I wouldn't do that to her. Deep down she knows that. If only I had never met Isabelle. If only I had never fallen in love.  If only I had never come to California. If only... I hadn't lost her.  But I lost her. There was no fixing my mistakes. I had to own them. I had to get her back. But if she isn't home then where is she. Would she go back to Ohio? No. Knowing her she wouldn't want to face everyone knowing she had lost it all. She wouldn't go to her parents like this. She's stronger than that. Where is she? She sure knows how to make me worry. Maybe something happened to her? I should go look for her. Then again she probably doesn't want to see me. Or anyone for that matter.  She was broken more than ever. I slam my fist into the wall. I deserved to lose her. But she doesn't deserve to hurt like this. She's an angel. I'm the one who made her fall. The only thing keeping her from me was in the room next door. Was it really mine? Could I really trust Isabelle? I know what I have to do.

Aria's Mother:
I knew it was my time to go. I couldn't let Aria witness this. She tried to help the best she could. I had one final request. That was a letter.
Dear Aria,
By the time you read this I'll be gone. I'm sorry I couldn't be there to witness all the good you've brought. I'm so proud of you for finally learning how to be yourself. I know you'll spend the rest of your life doing great things. You've always known how to get around a problem. I'm sorry that my problem was too big. I only pray that you don't forget me. I know it'll be hard without me and I know I didn't give you the best life. But I'm glad you've made your way through it.  Don't worry about me. I'll be watching over you from heaven. Take good care of your father. I love you Aria and thank you for being such and amazing daughter.
                   Love, Mom
I set my pen and paper on next to me before drifting off for the last time. I was at peace. A familiar figure awaited me in the dark.
"It's time to go," it whispered to me. I nodded. I wasn't going to be truly gone. I was going to live on in her.

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