Honor and Love

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After The Funeral


I stand at the doors of the church, shaking everyone's hands as they leave. People told stories about my mom that made her seem like a fucking angel. She made my life a living Hell but you can't say that about a person after they die now can you. That's going against their honor. After all, you have to remember people for all the good they did. Fucking ignore everything else. I cross my arms over my chest and lean against the door frame.

"I fucking hate funerals," I mumble. Wes glances at me and smirks.

"Doesn't everyone?" He replies, mocking me by crossing his arms. I roll my eyes and turn my head towards the sky. It was clear and sunny, not a single cloud in sight. Thank god cliches aren't based on real life.

"So now what?" Wes asks breaking the silence

"I don't know, I have no clue if I'm even going back to California or if I'm gonna stay here with my dad," I shrug.

"California sure is gonna be lonely without my neighbor, who knows maybe another new girl will move in." 

"You wish," I laugh, punching him in the arm, "No one can replace this."

"True, I'm pretty damn happy for that too." I blush slightly. Of course, he had to be a ladies man. Well then again he can make any girl gamer fall in an instant, that's about it actually.

"We should probably get going to the burial," I push myself off the frame and jump down the steps, leading to the front of the church. Wes follows closely behind me. For some reason, I felt more at peace with her gone. I accepted her death in the last few days, everyone dies, just some sooner than we think. We get in the car and head to the cemetery. Once we get there I see the same sobbing people from the funeral. It's sad really, to see that many people who are truly going to miss the person they thought my mom was. They never saw the real her. She only showed her true colors when that front door was shut and we were locked away from the outside world. Being locked away from this world now seems like Heaven, being away from all the drama and pain that plagues people every day. I barely listen as they lower her casket into the ground. More people say more bullshit stories and before I know it, Wes and I are the only ones still there. 

"Goodbye Mother," I say, placing a single rose on her tombstone. 

A Few Months Later


We finally got the rest of Aria's stuff moved into my place. It's easier on the both of us, now we get to see each other every single day. She seems so much happier now. I kicked Isabelle out the first week I came back. I'm done with her lies. I watch Aria dance around the kitchen, playing her music as loud as possible. Damien ended up moving into Aria's old apartment so now I have my two favorite people close to me. Damien has been busy too, he found himself a girlfriend, her names Jenna. Aria ran into her once, leaving Damien's house one morning. Aria laughed. True walk of shame. Anyway, Damien moved out because Courtney moved in with his old roommate Shayne. They announced their secret relationship when all of Smosh had dinner a few days ago. 

"Pour Me, pour me, pour me another," Aria sings. I laugh at her slightly. She truly was my angel. I've never been happier. She was the only person who could keep me sane. She looks at me, catching me staring at her.

"What?" She giggles.

"Nothing," I smile, "Just watching the absolute love of my life dance around my kitchen."

"Our kitchen," She smiles back.

"Did you hear that?" I ask stepping towards her with a smirk.

"What?" She asks puzzled.

"I think I heard a monster," I step closer.

"Wes if you even try and tickle me I will hurt you!" 

"What was that?" I ask, grabbing her and tickling her sides.

"Wes quit!" She says in a fit of laughter. I keep going, causing her to squirm.

"I can't control him," I laugh.

"Wes, please! I can't breathe!" I stop, allowing her to catch her breath. 

"I think he's gone, your strong boyfriend scared him away." She hits my chest, after finally regaining her composure. 

"The only thing you can scare is the dog," she smiles, picking up our new black husky. His name was Sebastian. Aria named him. I told her that I refused to leave Ohio without him after her mothers funeral. She disagreed at first but quickly fell in love with him. I brought him to the office once just out of laughs. He was such a friendly dog, he played with everyone, even the nonanimal loving Boze. 

"Aria, I want you to know I love you, a lot," I smile.

"Wes, we are not going out for ice cream."

"How did you know?"

"You say that every time you want ice cream."

"And this is why I love you," I laugh, "You know me well."

"A little too well I think," She says, before plopping onto the couch. I sit next to her and almost immediately after, her feet make their way into my lap. A few games in I glance over at her. She looked bored and tired.

"This would be better with ice cream," I smirk. 

"Yeah, let me get my shoes on," she gets up and throws on a pair of boots and one of my shirts over her tank top and leggings. She knew she didn't have to dress up like a doll to impress me. Shit, her just breathing impresses me. 

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