It Started With Hello

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It's been a few weeks since my little corner cafe opened. Surprisingly a lot of people showed up the first day. I guess new things interest people here. I finally finished unpacking after what seemed like forever. I haven't seen a lot of my neighbor but he's always leaving when I get up for work. He's one strange cookie. I have to admit he's pretty handsome. I have to get ready. I shake the image from my head and start my normal routine. It starts by convincing myself to get out of bed. Great. I muster up the will and head to my bathroom. I turn on my shower and allow my bathroom to get engulfed in steam. My mirror fogs up and I draw a little dinosaur with my finger. After my hot shower, I brush my tangled pink hair. I need to redo it my black roots are starting to show. Another thing on my already long list. I shrug and throw on a MCR tanktop and black ripped jeans. I put on my boots and open my door. I had to go shopping today due to some of my packed things "going missing" upon arrival.


I open my door, ready to go to the gym, my neighbor was halfway to her car. She sees me and gives me a slight wave.

"Hi," I say trying to muster up my best fake smile. Something I had picked up on earlier in my life. She smiles back sweetly. She was beautiful, her eyes a crystal blue and a smile that made your heart melt.

"Hi, My names Aria, I just moved here." She seemed sweet and kind...Just like Isabel...I could feel my smile quickly fade. I don't want to think about her anymore.

"Oh sorry... Did I say something wrong?" she asks lowering her head.

"No! Not at all! I've just been going through some rough times," I reply, smiling at how innocent she looked, "Crap, by the way, I'm Wesley but everyone calls me Wes for short."

"Nice to meet you, Wes," she says shyly.

"It was very nice to meet you too, I should probably let you get going you seem to have an important mission ahead of you," I laugh. God, why am I so awkward.

"Wes? Can I ask you something?" I smile to myself.

"Yeah what is it."

"Are the neighbors nice? I was gonna make something for everyone but I didn't want to intrude." I don't know why I'm disappointed. That wasn't the question I was hoping she would ask... What am I thinking! I just broke off a wedding! Isabelle has left... and shes never coming back!

"Yeah they're decent, I don't really see them that often because they mostly work during the day and my hours are crazy, sometimes I spend the night at my office."

"I just opened my own cafe a few blocks away! I can work any day I want," She laughs. I could tell she was proud. I don't want to tell her I make Youtube videos for a living because it'd seem so boring compared to her life.

"I work as an editor." At least it's not entirely a lie.

"I wanted to do something like that or at least do something in the filming field but alas I was never really good with computers," She says while acting dramatically.

"It's actually really easy once you get the hang of it," I smile, "If you do decide to try your hand at being behind a computer let me know and I'll help you." She made me forget about Isabel and the pain I felt. Something about her I swear could light up a whole room. I like her.

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