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"Wes no I'm not dragging you through that."

"Too late we're going whether you like it or not," he replies grabbing my hand and pulling me off the couch. I groan and try to pull away. He resists.

"I have a business I have to run!"

"So we'll only go for a few days! Please! I need a reason to not go to work," he says dragging the E out on please.

"Fine, we'll leave Thursday and come back the Tuesday after," I say. He smiles and spins me around.

"Okay! I'll find the plane tickets! Where to?"

"Sherwood, Ohio."

"That's where you're from?" I nod.

"I was born in Cincinnati,"he laughs, "It really sucked there sometimes."

"I bet, we have a week to prepare, I'll find the hotel to stay in."

"No, No, it was my idea, I'll prepare everything," he says, "you should prepare yourself to show off all of this." He motions to himself. I laugh, he's such a dork.


I know it wasn't a smart idea to go to this wedding but maybe helping Aria prove right to those who wronged her I might be able to help myself. I've spent too long wallowing in my own sadness for what could've been instead of seeing the good in front of me. We are going to show everyone the smart, amazing person she's become since she's left. After all, I know what it's like to feel like you don't belong somewhere. It's a feeling no one should have to face alone. Especially someone who has overcome every obstacle life has tried to beat them down with.

"I don't even have a dress in the wedding colors," she groans.

"So, we'll go shopping, I'd have to get a tux anyway."

"Knowing Adeline, she's gonna wear some expensive over the top dress made of lace, it's what she's always wanted... To get married to someone better than me and Travis is probably gonna match Adeline he's not really one to go with the crowd."

"So I'll wear a black tux with a bowtie to match your dress," I smile. She rolls her eyes.

"And I could see you in a flowery dress or something simple yet kinda extravagant."

"Yeah whatever, do you think it would be too fitting to wear a black dress, since you know their marriage isn't going to last," She laughs.


Adeline and Travis are way too different. There's no way a relationship between them would last. They aren't compatible but marriages from there are hardly about love more about the money.

A Few Hours Later


Aria RSVPed for two people. Huh. There's no way she found someone better than me. California is full of stoners and failed actors. I don't care, all I care about is finally getting Travis. She used to flaunt her relationship in everyone's faces. Finally it'll be time to tell everyone Travis and I's "Little Secret." I could've gotten Travis in a different way. Telling him I was pregnant was the easiest way. And let's be honest, I'm so much better for him than Aria. Everyone's better than Aria.

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