The Truth

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She can't be coming back into my life after what she's done.  I love Aria too much, but something about Isabelle doesn't sit right with me. Why now, after I've moved on does she decide she wants to come back? What was she planning? Deep down part of me wanted her, but I wanted Aria more. The other part wanted to tell her to screw off. I can't hurt Aria, she means too much to me. Hurting her would kill me. But Isabelle wouldn't come back unless it was important since she has someone else.  I sit down on the couch and make sure my camera is working properly. Aria was back in bed, but this time she was curled up on my side on her phone. She kept smiling at something and giggling.

"What's so funny?" I ask.

"Nothing..." She giggles more. I get up and look at her phone. She was watching a Smosh video, it was a Try Not To Laugh we did for Christmas. 

"Oh god," I laugh.

"You were such a dork," She smiles.

"I know, now come on and get up so we can do a live stream," I say, rolling my eyes. She refuses, so I pick her up and throw her over my shoulder.

"Wes! Put me down!" She laughs. She was so light. I throw her onto the couch and sit down, she lays across my lap. I look down at her with a laugh.

"Why are you so weird."

"I was just born with it." She grabs a controller and turns on the Xbox. I start the live stream and wait for people to show up. About 5 minutes ago I tweeted that I was gonna live stream. Aria hums to herself and plays GTA. People started watching and the first thing they noticed was Aria.

"Whos that?"

"She's so pretty!"

"OMG Wes!"

As soon as I get a lot of viewers I decide to start.

"Hey, guys, so I'm in Ohio right now, sorry I haven't been streaming a lot, we had a wedding to go to, so guys most of you know a few months ago I broke off my engagement, I'm not gonna say why because well I feel like it was a private matter, anyway so I got a new neighbor who just happens to be one of the best people ever, she's had a rough time and we've gotten really close, a few days ago I asked her to be my girlfriend so guys say hi to my girlfriend Aria," I say pointing at her head in my lap. She turns towards the camera and wave.

"I give Wes sweets that's why he loves me," She laughs.

"So we're gonna play GTA but it seems like a certain someone has already beat me to it," I laugh and grab the other controller. She sits up and pulls her feet up. 

"I'm going to beat your ass," She smirks. She's such a dork. I glance at the chat and acknowledge everyone. They seemed to love her already. We spent the entire day playing video games and doing streams. Then it was time we went back to our old lives.

Time Skip:


It's been a few weeks since Aria and I got back. I haven't seen much of her, I really miss her. Anytime she's home I'm working and when I'm home, she's working, I stopped by the cafe a few times to see her. Every time I'd walk through the door she'd give me a kiss and hug me. She was working so hard now. She got two jobs to help support her parents. They were having a rough time paying medical bills and Aria refused to let me help. The doctors were trying everything they could but nothing seemed to help. Nothing seemed to treat her or at least slow her cancer. Today was one of my days off. A day I wish I could spend with Aria, I could always go and help out at the cafe. I know she'd be happy to see me.

"Knock, knock, knock." I jump up and run to the door. Maybe it was Aria. I quickly open the door and step back shocked. It wasn't Aria.

"Hey, Wes, how have you been?" Isabelle asks, her hands resting on the small bump on her stomach.

"Why are you here? I already told you I forgave you but I'm not going to forget what you did."

"Can I come in?" She asks completely avoiding my question. She reaches for my hand but I pull away.

"Isabelle, what do you want? You know I've already moved on, I found someone better," I ball my fists tightly, causing my knuckles to turn white.

"I know, believe me, I know, I just need your help, the child I'm having isn't Andre's and he refuses to help me because it's not his," tears well in her eyes. I exhale deeply and move aside letting her inside. She takes a seat on the couch slowly.

"So it's mine?" I ask trying to hold back a smile. I've always wanted to be a dad. She knows this. But I'm not letting my guard down that easily. I wanted help, even though I hated her, it's my kid. It needs to have a father. 

"Yeah, I didn't know what to do, I didn't know if you would help me because I know how much you love Aria," She says with a slight trace of disgust in her voice. 

"Yeah I do love her, she's someone who I want to spend my entire life with and I know she won't cheat on me," I growl out.

"I'm sorry okay Wes!" She chokes out, "I fucked up! I can't change that!"

"Do you have anywhere to go?" She shakes her head. I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Fine you can stay here until you find somewhere else, I have an extra room, I'll see if Aria would be willing to help you also, I'm sure she's going to be a huge part of my baby's life."

"Do you want to touch it?" She asks rubbing her stomach. I smile slightly and nod. She gets up. I try to stop her but she refuses. She grabs my hand and places it on the bump. That was mine. At least I hope she was telling the truth.


I open my apartment door and look through my window into Wes's. No... My eyes fill with tears. She was back... He was happy... It can't be his... It can't... I refuse to believe it... 

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