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I wake up to find Aria's small body curled tightly against me. She reminds me of a cuddly little bear clinging to my arm. I smile but shortly after revelation hits me. I was meeting her parents. Also, Damien was having his date today. I hope it goes well for him, he hasn't met someone he's liked in a while. His last relationship wasn't the best but they ended on good terms. Since then he hasn't found anyone who would like his nerdy personality. I try to get up but Aria stays attached to me. I chuckle quietly. She was my life.

"Aria, we have to get up," I smile, trying to wiggle my arm free.

"I don't wanna," she resists.

"You're like a cute bear trap you know that right?"

"I try," she giggles. 

"Now get up, we have to go see your parents today."

"Shit. I completely forgot...Fuck fuck fuck." She quickly gets up in a panic.

"Baby you can calm down," I laugh.

"No, you don't understand how judgemental they are," She says running into the closet looking for an outfit. She comes out with a black sweater with a white collar and a plain black skirt. She goes into the bathroom and quickly gets dressed. She throws on black boots and looks at me.

"Come on get dressed!" 

"Fine. Fine, what should I wear?"

"White button up shirt black jeans," She says almost before I could finish asking. She was extremely on edge today. Then again I can't blame her. From the way, it sounds her parents don't have the best track record with her. She looked completely different from the girl I first saw in skinny jeans and an MCR shirt, she was a different person for her parents. I hate it. Why can't they see the amazing person behind the proper bullshit she was raised with. You took one look at what she's become you wouldn't expect her to have gone through the past she has. She went from a southern girl to a successful amazing girl who can support herself unlike the other women from where she's from. But that's just how she's been raised. She adapted to the life that was thrown at her. She's spent her life climbing this huge mountain only to lead to more. I change while she fixes her makeup doing a much simpler look than she normally does. Today she just put on eyeliner and mascara.

"Oh fuck..." She mumbles looking in the mirror at her hair, "They're gonna kill me for this."

"Really?" I ask buttoning the last button on my shirt. She looks at me and nods.

"Great, today is gonna go so well." She puts her hair up in a ponytail as I put on my cowboy boots. They are the most comfortable thing in the world. I love them so much.

"Oh, by the way, dad loves guns and shooting them, fair warning." She says out of nowhere.

"Fantastic." Today might not be so bad. I send a quick good luck text to Damien. 


I was not prepared today. Shit. Shit. Shit. What am I gonna say to them? I'm so nervous. Wes, I can't really tell if he feels the same way I do if he does he hides it extremely well it's amazing. Once he changes we head down to the parking lot. We get in the car as I start to have a mild panic attack. I can't do this. They don't want to see you. They won't be proud of you. So many negative thoughts swarmed in my head it was impossible to think of anything else. 

"Hey calm down, you're gonna be okay," Wes says placing his hand on my thigh as he drives. 

"I'm just really scared, what if they don't want to see me? What if they hate me?"

"Aria they're your parents, there's no way they hate you, and I'm sure they will be happy to see you," He smiles warmly.

"Plus I have to impress your dad in case I ever decide I need his blessing." I burst into a fit of laughter.

"Wow, clearly Isabelle taught you nothing," I laugh but quickly realize what I said, "Shit, I'm sorry."

"You're right she taught me nothing, except she showed me a pain greater than anything I've ever experienced." I fiddle with my hands. I felt horrible.

"But you know what, her leaving brought me an amazing person who understands my pain an helps me pick up the pieces of my broken heart."

"Stop being so sappy god," I blush. I plug the Aux cord into my phone and play Panic at The Disco. 

"Is it still me that makes you sweat," Wes sings. I laugh and quickly change the song to I Write Sins Not Tragedies. 

"That was my song," He whines. I keep laughing as he belts out the lyrics. Before I knew it we were there. Home. It never felt like a home to me. Wes parks next to my dads truck. I take a deep breath and try to calm myself.

"We don't have to get out right now, give yourself a few minutes, I know you're nervous, you can't hide it from me," he says, leaning over and kissing my cheek before taking my hand in his. I instantly calm slightly. I open the door and walk to the end of the sidewalk that led to the main door. Nothing had changed. It looked like the same hell hole I had grown up in, minus a new red door. How fitting. No one ever knew what happened behind that door. I don't think anyone ever cared. No one heard the fights or witnessed the insanity that hid behind that single door. The wind blew, as I inhaled deeply. I loved the smell of the country, it wasn't poisoned with toxic chemicals like Los Angeles, my new home. I take Wes's hand and head down the long pathway. I missed the country sometimes, we were surrounded by nothing but open land. We used to have horses, that was my escape when I was younger. What are they gonna think of Wes? He isn't what they would expect me to bring home. They've probably already heard about him since its such a small town and words travel fast. I step on the last brick before sealing my fate. I knock three times on the door. A gunshot goes off from out back.

"It's dads shooting time," I laugh checking the time on my phone. Things truly haven't changed. Footsteps head towards the door. Soon the doorknob turns and the door opens. I grip Wes's hand tightly.

"Hey mom," I say.

"Aria Rebecca Sinclair, we need to have a chat." This isn't going to be good...

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