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I snap out of my daydream. Aria was in front of me still. A puzzled expression swept over her features. 

"Are you okay?" She questions. I shake the image of her from my head.

"Yeah, sorry I was just daydreaming," I laugh nervously. She smiles warmly. God...The way she makes me feel... I just want to hold her... I want to protect her from the world. Just imagining her laying with her head on my chest makes my heart ache.


I yawn and sit back on the bed. He smiles and grabs a throw blanket from the end of the bed. He wraps it around me tightly. I breathe in the sweet, woodsy smell, the same smell that covered Wes. He stares at me for a few moments, his dark green eyes sketching my every movement in his head like he was trying to memorize my every detail. He goes back to packing. My eyes slowly flicker closed. Letting sleep overcome me. I feel safe with him almost even vulnerable... He made me safer than anyone else has ever before. I feel myself being laid down. My head benevolently being placed on a soft pillow. Wes whispers something so quiet its almost imperceptible. A delicate kiss is placed on my forehead. I sleep for a few hours, I stir a bit hearing footsteps leaving the room and the light turns off. I quickly go back into my profound slumber.

"NO," I cry out, awakening myself. Unfamiliar with my current surroundings, I scramble around the only light source was a small lamp. I start to panic as I hear footsteps from down the corridor. I curl up on the cold tile trying my best to conceal myself. Memories of my abuse flooding through my brain like a Tsunami, is this a dream? Is he coming to finish what he started? My heart races rapidly. The doorknob twists and the door creaks open as I pull my knees closer to my chest. 

"Aria?" a voice says softly noticing me in this condition. I weep quietly into my knees.

"Hey shh, you're alright," he says kneeling down in front of me. Travis... His hand reaches for my shoulder and I flinch. My eyes finally adjust to the light and the thoughts bring me back to reality, I had fallen asleep in Wes's bed. I was in his house. He draws away and I grab his sleeve pulling him back. I needed someone who makes me feel safe. He settles down on the floor and pulls me to him. His arms wrap soothingly around me. One hand rests lightly on the back of my head. The other rubbing my back. 

"You're safe," he whispers. I sniffle and allow myself to be supported in his embrace. 


When I heard her scream I knew something had happened but to see her so fragile and small in my arms. It terrified me, I wanted to make it okay, it broke my heart seeing her like this. I hold her tightly against me, she presses her face into my neck and relaxes. I like knowing she feels safe in my arms. 

"What happened?" I ask. What could make someone so strong break that easily? 

"I had a nightmare..." she said shyly.

"It had to have been really bad to shake you up like this," I say sincerely. She nods and hiccups against my neck.

"Want to tell me about it? Maybe it'll help you feel better."

"I didn't tell you the whole story about Travis," She mumbles.

"What do you mean?"

"He didn't just cheat on me, he abused me enough that I'll have nightmares about the things he did to me." I tense up, gritting my teeth. I'm going to kill him. He thinks he can hurt my girl and get away with it then he has another thing coming. He'll be lucky if he makes it through his own wedding alive.

"I'm sorry," she whimpers, "I didn't mean to make you angry." 

"Shh, you didn't make me angry, I'm glad you told me." I relax and gather her up in my arms.

"Do you still want to go to the wedding?" She nods.

"I want to show that damn bastard what I've become." She lifts her head and looks up at me, her eyes still red and puffy but a dark idea swarmed behind her flickering eyes. Travis should be scared shitless. He set a fire stronger than my own and I'm going to be the one fueling the fire every step of the way.

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