Coma-Like State

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I could hear a familiar voice whispering to me. I couldn't open my eyes. It felt as if I was in a coma-like state. I could hear everything but I felt nothing. Much like I was just floating in the ocean not worried about where I ended up of how far away from the shore I was. I couldn't remember how I ended up like this. Come to think of it, I couldn't remember a whole lot in general. The past few months seemed like a blur. 

"Goodbye Damien," a female voice says through the silence of my thoughts. The voice sounded familiar but I couldn't put a face to it. The more I thought about it, the more my head ached. 


We stood in silence, the cold air blowing against us, rustling the trees and leaves that laid upon the ground. From here you couldn't see any pain. But inside held a room full of broken-hearted people. Aria was beyond freaked. Something must've happened. Did Wes say something? If he hurt her I swear. Or it could be Jenna's death that is bothering her. Death doesn't sound right in this case. She's not dead she's just in another form. A better one. I know I should feel some remorse but the truth is I don't. I never truly got to know her. I related to Aria more. She had become one of my bestest friends. I feel guilty for feeling nothing. I know it's horrible, but how do you just gain feelings for someone you never really knew? I was grateful for her sacrifice but I wasn't sad she was gone. What she did was heroic, not a lot of people can choose to do what she did. 

"Do you think he's gonna hate us, for you know, letting her save him?" Aria asks sitting on the curb. 

"He might, but just for a while, he'll eventually move on, after all, time heals all wounds."

"I'm just on edge, everything just seems to fail when I'm around," she slumps as her hands make their way over her eyes. Much like someone would if they were trying to hide from the world.

"Chaos follows me wherever I go."

"This was no one's fault, it was just meant to happen," I rub her back slightly trying to calm her. It wasn't really helping much,

"Jenna's gone... It's gonna break Damien it's gonna kill me to see him like that." The wind blows again rusting the leaves around her. Her voice softens to barely a whisper.

"Can I be alone?" She asks quietly. I nod, leaving her in the cold silence. I don't understand why this was affecting her so much. Her and Damien weren't that close.

Third Person:

It was late at night, Wes wasn't home yet when Damien came knocking. Aria got up from her place on the couch where she had been engrossed in a book. She opened the door and was faced with her friend.

"Damien? What are you doing here? Wes hasn't come home yet," She had told him, now leaning against the door frame. 

"Aria, I have to confess something," He replied.

"What is it?" Her weight now shifted to both feet, she stood straight as a slight chill crawled up her spine. She was frozen in fear. What was his confession? She thought to herself. 

"I like you Aria, there's no other way to describe it, the way I feel when I'm with you is breathtaking, I know I'm with Jenna but I have never felt the way I feel for you, with her, yeah I know you're with Wes and it's stupid for me to even tell you this but, you needed to know, I couldn't hold it in any longer." She stood there, staring at him, She was shocked, to say the least. 

"Damien I can't-" He grabbed her, pulling her to him and pressing his lips roughly against hers. He had kissed someone he couldn't have that night. This was the night he had his accident. He had left the bar after a long night of drinking when he decided to try and his pain. She believed her breaking his heart was the reason he now needed a new one. 


That night's events swarmed my thoughts. The accident was my fault. I was what caused this. I was the hurricane that came and wrecked everyone's lives. I was the fault in this. I was the beginning and end of his sad story. I tried hard to erase that night from my head. Damien and I were just friends. At least in my eyes, we were only friends. I loved Wes, I still love Wes, but he can't know of what happened just 10 minutes before he got home that night. He would hate the one person who needed him the most right now. Jenna should've known before she made her decision. What Damien did was wrong, but there was no changing the past. The past is what defines us. But how do I define myself?

"Are you okay?" Wes says suddenly. I didn't notice him walking out here nor did I notice the arm that was now wrapped around me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, just thinking," I shift placing my gaze now on the night sky. The full moon was shining behind a thin layer of clouds casting a phantom-like glow around us. There were no stars visible by the light of the moon, everything else looked like a black soulless abyss.

"He woke up, that's why I came out here, I figured having you there might help me and him since you guys were so close."

"Damien and I, w-we weren't that close," I stutter.

"I meant you and Jenna, are you sure you're alright?" He shifts, now looking at me. His face was now veiled with concern.

"I'm fine." Those words slipped from my mouth faster then I could think. Guess I'm just used to lying. My hand instinctively moves to the letters imprinted on my wrist. I relax tracing the L that began his name. I understood my fate now.

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