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I sit on the floor of my old room. She was gone. So was Wes. Sitting here in the dark was so lonely. I was completely alone in this world. Her funeral is in a few days. I don't want to leave my room. I barely want to move in general. Is this what dying feels like? I want to disappear into my own little world. My heart ached and my head was pounding out of my skull. No more tears could fall. My eyes wouldn't allow it. I wanted to leave this cruel and uncaring world. 

"Aria? Are you okay?" My father asks through the locked door.

"I'm fine dad," I try to reply. My voice came out broken and cracked.

"Aria, you need to get out some, you've been cooped up in there for days already, your mother wouldn't want you to stay indoors mourning." I get up and open the door. Light flooded into my room and my eyes closed, it was too bright. I have to do something today. I have to go find an outfit for the funeral. I don't really have any clothes here. I kinda just dropped everything and left. I couldn't face Wes anymore. He loved another and I had to deal with it. Now that I think about it, I can't really face a lot of people. Whatever. It's life. I look at my dad, my eyes finally adjusting to the light. He smiles. I could tell he had been crying too.

"Keep your head up and go do something I'm sure Sophia would love if you guys went somewhere, I hate that you have been sitting in the dark for three days." I sigh. I could call Sophia, we could get our nails done or something. She would love a day away from Mikey. He's so wild. I could go get my hair redone. First I need to shower though.

"Okay dad, I'll shower and get dressed then go out with Sophia." He genuinely smiles. You couldn't see the pain hiding behind his smile. 

"Oh, and could you possibly do me a favor? I ordered a suit and well you know how I am with this new technology, anyway I didn't realize it was shipped to the store could you pick it up for me?" I laugh slightly. He always had a struggle adjusting to technology. It's how I became so good with it. I had to learn so I could teach him. 

"Sure dad I'll get it, I have to go shopping for a dress anyway and get this mess redone," I reply, ruffling my pink and black hair. He chuckles.

"Also, I'm sorry about Wes," he slowly turns his back to me. What? How did he know? Was my pain that obvious? I stand leaning against my doorframe in a haze of confusion. He was hiding something.

"Dad where do I have to pick your suit up from?"

"Men's Wearhouse, in Cincinnati," he replies, walking down the hallway towards the living room. Great I fucking hate Cincinnati, it's so crowded and loud, I especially hate the 3 freaking hour drive. Sophia is coming with me whether she likes it or not. I'm not trekking that city alone.


"Wes don't go!" I beg as he stands in the doorway with his suitcase packed. He was going after her. I couldn't let him.

"No, I love her, you probably wouldn't understand that feeling," He snaps. I tear up slightly. I did... That's why I couldn't let him go... He was mine now. He needed to realize that.

"If you leave me don't expect to come back," I say defiantly.

"If I left you a long time ago, and if you really think that's gonna work remember who's apartment you're staying in, I let you in out of the kindness of my heart but even some people don't deserve that," He says, walking out the front door. He was so cold to me, I don't understand why. I was having his child, he was going to be a father I thought he would be happy. He was a different person now. She changed him into a monster. I didn't recognize the man I fell in love wit anymore.

"Wes, what happened to you, why are you so cold now," I barely whisper out. He stands in front of me, he was towering over me. Fear washed over me.

"Well Love, you happened, you broke me and the only person who was there to drag me out of the darkness and save me currently thinks I'm still in love with you, which at this point is impossible, you are so damn lucky I can try and fix this with the help of her dad, otherwise, you would be out," He growls. I flinch. He gets in the car and it drives off. He was on his way to his heart. I can't let her win that easily, he has to love me and this child. I have nowhere else to go.  Plus I had him first, she can back off. She was a virus infecting him. Altering him completely. 


This was my chance to get her back. My heart couldn't handle any more time without her. I needed her. I couldn't sleep without her, I just tossed and turned, she was no longer curled up against me fast asleep. It was just an empty bed without her. Isabelle was tiring me, she was so clingy it was horrible. I had to do everything for her, she was being so pathetic. Was she always like this? Was I just too stupid to notice it until now? For once my mind was clear. I wanted Aria, and I was willing to do anything to get her. Isabelle doesn't know I found out the truth about who the father of her child is. It sure isn't me or Andre. She had to sleep with anyone willing to take her. I don't blame Damien for having cats instead of real women. I should get a cat. First I need to get Aria. God I let her down too much, she didn't deserve the pain she's felt. I was going to make this up to her. Once she's back in my arms, I'm never letting go. After all it was her moms wish for me to propose to her.

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