Will You?

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"Your eyes are gorgeous," he whispers before pulling away. I roll my eyes and grab his face kissing his plump lips passionately. He pulls away shocked and I take this chance to run into the bathroom. I did not just do that... Oh my god... That's gonna be awkward... I slide my back down the door and sit there, staring at the wall...


I watch Aria run into the bathroom. We didn't just... Oh...My...Fucking...God... Her lips were so soft... I wanted more... I stare at the bathroom door feeling a small smirk appear on my face. Who knew someone that innocent had that much spunk in her. She's a lot more than I bargained for. I take the XBox Aria had brought out of her suitcase, it was the only thing still remaining in it. I open mine to pull out one of my hoodies. She touched my stuff. She must've put my clothes away. I go to the closet and open it. Everything was neatly put away. Cute. I throw on a pair of boxers and pants. The shower turns on and I laugh a bit to myself. She's probably so embarrassed. You know what would make her feel less embarrassed. Food. Because who doesn't love food! I scramble to grab the phone and order room service. I order a bunch of dessert items before hooking up the XBox and turning on Netflix. The shower turns off and I hear the door open a crack.

"Wes?" Aria asks shyly.

"Yes, Aria," I smirk.

"I uh... forgot to grab some clothes... Could you grab me some?" Her face turns slightly red as I get up. I stand next to the bed watching her. She was unbelievably adorable. Her face was so red, she looked so innocent... So perfect.

"I don't know can I?"

"Please Wes," She whines.

"Hmm, Nah," I smirk, "You can come out and get them yourself."

"Wes quit being a dick," She pouts. I shake my head and she huffs before opening the door. She walks out with a towel wrapped around her. I smile.

"Stop looking at me like that," She laughs.

"Why you're absolutely stunning?" I say smiling more.

"Wow Wes, just Wow."

"I'm serious Aria, I've wanted to tell you that for so long, You're perfect Aria and I hate that you don't see that."

"Wes, stop," She says embarrassed.

"No! I'm not going to not until you know the truth," I say raising my voice slightly. She flinches.

"Wes please stop..."

"I like you Aria, a shit ton." A small smile creeps onto her face but quickly fades. She grabs her clothes and heads back to the bathroom. She comes out dressed in a tank top and shorts and heads to the living room. I grab her wrist pulling her back. Her face was completely red and tears welled in her eyes.


I wasn't ready for that... I can't let another relationship end horribly. For fuck's sake, I'm 23 its time for me to get my life together. He's too good for me! He deserves someone so much better! So much prettier! But fuck I wanted him. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes, I closed them tightly, refusing to let them fall.

"Aria, come here," Wes says his voice quiet and soothing. I shake my head. I couldn't look at him right now.

"Aria, please?" I sniffled as he stood engulfing me in his touch. He was so warm and comforting. Like a big bear almost.

"I'm sorry," I manage to squeak out.

"Hey, Hey its okay, I understand you had shitty past relationships, but I refuse to let you get hurt like that, I want to protect you, I want to keep you safe, I won't let anyone hurt you." I stay silent.

"Aria, I want you, your broken, damaged, beautiful heart and all, I want to pick up the pieces," He smiles, "You've made me see so much good, you are so much more than you think, you're amazing, Sure we might not last, but I'd be honored to be a stepping stone in your life, even if I'm just a small one, I want to help you realize the amount of awesome you are." I smile slightly he was such a good person.

"I want to tell you something," he says sitting down on the bed and pulling me onto his lap.

"I've been where you are, I was engaged to this girl, Isabelle was her name, we were happy, engaged, we had been together for 4 years," He takes a deep breath and looks down at me, "She cheated on me, I was heartbroken, I locked myself in my house for weeks on end, I didn't go work, then one morning." He smiles.

"One morning I woke up to a crash coming from outside, So I get up and go outside, there's this adorable clutz who had dropped you wouldn't believe it but she dropped baking utensils, that was the first time I felt a piece of my heart go back into place, a few weeks passed I found Isabelle was pregnant and came to the hurtful fact that another guy was better than me, So my friends took me to this small cafe on the corner of nowhere, it was a cute little place, very rustic." He chuckles a bit, "its where I tried Chocolate Chip pancakes that were better than mine, You see this one girl made my life so much better, she was perfect, even beat me at Mario Cart a few time." I lay my head on his shoulder and curl up, he adjusts his hold on me.

"I fell in love with this girl, she was my heart, Then came a Wednesday night where I saw her so broken and fragile, my first thought wasn't to throw her out or hurt her more, it was to protect her, she had been hurt too much before, and now that same girl is a curled up cute little mess on my lap and you know what? I've never been more in love. So Aria will you do the honors of letting me treat you better than the past guys you've been with, even though someone like you deserves so much more than me, will you make me one severely lucky guy and be my girlfriend?"

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