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Living with an entity certainly has it fair share of challenges. Privacy for one was simply out of the question. Even though Whisper and I had our talk about my bedroom, she got around the situation by coming through the walls of the room.

"You said I had to wait outside the door. You didn't say I couldn't come through the walls."


So for a couple days, even showering was a daily event that often got met by a giggle. I learned very quickly that a well placed towel was a good friend and housecoats were a must. Something I had never done in my life.

Plus I had to have another talk with my little ghost friend and explain to her that coming into my room, by any means ...

was still coming into my room. And that unless I invited her, she was to stay out.

Finally I believe she understood.


Whisper seemed to be getting stronger. By that I mean she was becoming able to do more things on her own.

My morning routine was now, get up, use the washroom, got to the kitchen and prepare my morning coffee, feed Ghost and Spirit and then, while my coffee was brewing, go through the kitchen and close every cupboard door.

Whisper had discovered how to open the doors, but for some reason, she did not like closing them, or she had not realized that she could, or should.

The microwave, too, had suddenly become a toy.


"I like watching the numbers go backward and then it makes a funny beeping sound. And when I push on the numbers they beep too."

And as always, that cute giggle.


I explained to her that the funny beeping sound, as fun as it was, usually woke me up.

Once again, I had to remind her that, even though she didn't sleep, I needed my sleep. And it seemed the only time Whisper liked playing, was at night when she was alone and as she put it,

"I get bored."


I had to explain to her that she should play in the daytime when I am awake and that at night, she should quietly watch her cartoons on tv.


"But I want to be with you when you are awake."


It was a situation, I was sure, would probably never be rectified.


Spirit and Ghost absolutely loved her. They would dart around the house, obviously chasing her, jumping in the air and as time went by they began doing what could only be described as a little dance, where they would get up on their hind legs and spin around.


I was a little jealous, at times, because I was sure the cats could see her and I had only caught a couple glimpses of my ghostly roommate.


There were several things that absolutely captivated Whisper.

Music was one.


I am a huge fan of the 50's, 60's and 70's music and especially the vinyl albums. I love garage sales and flea markets and I have a huge collection which now lined the special cabinets along the entire length of one wall of my living room. I have four turntables and an immense stereo system to play them on.

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