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A baby's cry broke the silence.


"It's a girl," Dr. Warren informed her.


Evangeline's beautiful face was strained and sweaty. She was crying and tears flowed down her cheeks.

But at that moment she was more beautiful than I had ever seen her.

"Congratulations Mommy."


She began to cry and put her arms around my neck. "I love you."


I kissed her. "I love you too."


Doctor Warren wrapped the baby in a blanket and passed the little girl to Evangeline.


"Is she ok?" Evangeline questioned.


Doctor Warren smiled, as he lay her in Evangeline's arms.

"She is fine. You can hold her for a few minutes, then we will take her and check her out and clean her up for you, but she seems fine. She's breathing strong and she has ten fingers and ten toes."


She was the most beautiful baby I had ever seen. "My God, look at her hair."

She already had long silky blondish hair and the most beautiful blue eyes.


The nurse took a peek. "She is a very alert one. Look at the way she is already looking around."


"But that's good, right?"


"Yes Mr. Templeton, that is very good."


"She's beautiful Will. I never thought I would ever hold my own baby."

Evangeline could not hold back the tears as she stared into the face of the beautiful child she had just given birth to.


I had to smile. Hell, I couldn't stop smiling. But as happy as I was, Whisper flashed in my mind. Evangeline saw that I was lost.


"Hey, you here?" Evangeline questioned, sweetly.


"I'm sorry sweetie."


"You were thinking about Whisper."


I nodded, silently.


Evangeline wiped a tear from her eye.

"She was right, Will. Whisper told me I was going to have a little girl."


The baby kicked and moved her head. "She is a lively one, isn't she?" I said, beaming.


Evangeline kissed the baby's forehead. "Let's call her Jennifer Nicole."


Tears filled my eyes. "Yea I think that would be great."

I kissed my daughter on the forehead. "Our little Jenny."


"She is looking right at you Will. Like she understands."


"She is just amazed at the world." The nurse was back. "She has a lot to learn and right now she is just trying to accept being outside."


"I love you Jenny," I said, sweetly.


"Is that what you are going to call her?"


I nodded.


The nurse reached for Jenny. "Ok Mommy. Let us get her cleaned up and all checked out and we will get her back to you as soon as possible."


"Ohhhhh. Bye bye Jenny."

Evangeline sighed, as they took Jenny from her. She put her hand on my arm.

"Sweetie you should phone Bobby and Jessie."


I nodded, tears filling my eyes.


Later that afternoon, Bobby and Jessie visited us in the hospital.

Jenny was an absolute joy. She lay quietly in Evangeline's arms, her eyes all over the place.


"I think she is trying to take it all in," Jessie remarked.


Evangeline passed her to Jessie.


"Hey that look works for you."

Bobby kissed his wife. "Won't be long and it will be our turn."


Later that night, while Evangeline slept, I sat in the rocking chair in the room, with Jenny in my arms.

I could barely fight back the tears. My life was perfect. I had a wonderful wife who I adored, amazing friends, crazy cats, but it all paled in comparison to the beautiful, healthy little girl that was sleeping soundly in my arms.

"You are going to be the luckiest little girl in the world.

You will have everything you ever need and you will never lack for anything.

You have a Mommy who is going to love you like no little girl has ever been loved and your Daddy, well he is already the proudest man in the world.

I never expected to ever have the gifts that I have now. There is no amount of money that could make me feel what I do now.

You will be Daddy's little girl and don't tell Mommy, but Daddy plans to spoil you rotten.

That don't mean you won't have to clean up your room."


Jenny stirred slightly.

I bent down and kissed her forehead.

"I just wish you could have met your sister. She would have been so proud of you and she would have loved you as much as me and your Mommy will.

She's gone now but she will always be a part of our family and she will live on in Mommy and Daddy's hearts.

When you are older, I will tell you about her.

Her name was Whisper."


Jenny's eyes suddenly opened wide and she stared right at me. I could see her little hand moving under the blanket. I pulled it back and put my pinky near her tiny hand. Her fingers curled around it and her eyes closed again.

I sat in silence and watched her sleep.


The next morning Doctor Warren came in to see us and he gave Jenny one last examination.

"She is fine and so is Mommy. I think you should all go home."


We thanked Dr. Warren and he reminded us to of our first appointment in a week or so.


Evangeline and Jenny were released and we went home to Maynard's Rock.

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