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It was an amazingly beautiful night for the end of March. Especially in this part of the province.

There was a huge full moon shining on the, unusually still, Atlantic Ocean and the temperature was in the high teens. It was not t-shirt and shorts weather, but it was jeans and sweater weather.


I was sitting outside my cabin, a fire burning in a small portable fire bowl, that I had purchased. We were intending to put fire pits behind each cabin, at the beginning of the summer, but for now, each cabin had a portable one outside.

I was the only cabin resident, apart from Evangeline.

Ghost and Spirit were running back and forth, near the cabin, chasing imaginary ...



I had not seen much of Evangeline, as she spent a huge part of her time, locked in her cabin, working on the website or travelling the immediate area, photographing and videotaping the various tourist sites and special tours.

The past two weeks have flown by and really the only time I had seen her were the quick meetings all 4 of us had to check out the site.

Elaine was now a part of the website too, as it was decided that Evangeline would train her to maintain the site, once it was up and running.

That would leave Evangeline free to pursue other contracts.


As I put a couple more birch logs on the fire, I heard a voice.


"I do love fires."

Evangeline was walking toward me.


I patted the lawnchair next to mine.

"Come and sit for a while. I am sure you could use the break."


She stretched her back.

"I will stand, if you don't mind. Been sitting on my ass so long.

I need to stretch my legs."


"Would you like a beer?

Have a cold case of Black Horse here. It best da bist beer 'round dese parts."


Evangeline laughed.

"That is the worst Newfie accent I have ever heard."


I stood and passed her a beer.

"That's what Hank and Cavelle keep telling me."

I watched my cats heading for the chainlink fence.

"Hey, you two."

They both stopped and turned.

"What did I say about the fence?"


Ghost meowed at me.


"I don't care. Do you both want to go back inside?"


She meowed again and the two ran back toward the cabin, playing within the glow of the fire.


"That is amazing," Evangeline gasped.

"Its like they actually understood you."


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