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Work at the Motel was going well ahead of schedule. Even better than could ever be expected.

Hank and Cavelle were handling things better, than even I expected them to. I told them I would be back as soon as I could.

Elaine was helping Evangeline tremendously with the website and she was already well adept at dealing with issues that popped up from time to time. She was also doing a lot of the legwork for the website, visiting all the local tourist sites and tours and such. She was affiliating them all with the Motel and even advertising them on the site, for a fee.


Apparently, Evangeline had not returned to Twillingate. She was working from St. Johns and she had only told the Doves that complications had arisen from her divorce and she had to stay in the city to deal with the issues.

I had tried, on several occasions, to get hold of her by cell phone and email, but neither was met with any sort of reply.

Finally, after a couple weeks, I gave up on that end of things and concentrated on my own life in the Rock.


It seemed like a blink of the eye and it was well into April.

I had been back in the Rock for over a month.

It was a beautiful spring morning, when I opened my email and there it was.

An email from Evangeline.


Hi Will,

I am so sorry that I have not gotten back to you sooner, but honestly, things took such a turn here, that my life has been a little topsy turvy ever since.

Without getting too deep into my private life, my husband and I have decided to give it another try. I am as surprised as anyone, at the sudden change in his attitude, but, in all honesty, I have never stopped loving him.


I want to thank you for the opportunity with the website and I promise that I will finish it, with Elaine's help. She really is a little whiz with computers. She will be more than able to maintain the site and I gave her my number and email, if she needs any help.

I'm sorry we never got to have that Black Horse, but I am sure that you understand.

At least I hope you do.

I wish you all the best and I hope you do the same for me.

Perhaps we will meet again, one day.



I took a deep breath.

I was a little sad, but at the same time, I was glad for her. Hopefully things would work out for her.

I read the message one more time and then deleted it.




It was, a couple weeks later, the beginning of May when I called upon John Maynard, at his home, to have a talk to him.

Cora greeted me at the door and invited me in. Her and John were just about to sit down and have a glass of wine.


"Could I pour you a glass, Will?"


I nodded.

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