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We left Whisper's room as it was. There was not even a moment we considered changing a thing. Once a week, Evangeline or myself would go in and strip the bed, washing the sheets and comforter.

We would also tidy up the room and dust, more so to just be around Whisper's things, than anything else.


Every day I would look into her room, expecting to see her, on her bed reading or at the computer playing games or listening to music. Spirit and Ghost would bounce in behind me, jumping up on the bed, running into the closet or scampering into the ensuite, looking for Whisper.

I expected at any moment to see them start their dance, but ...

there was no dance.


Eventually the two cats stopped going into her room and spent the days playing and sleeping together and nights at the foot of our bed.


We had already prepared another room, next to ours for a nursery. Bobby and I installed a door between the two rooms for easy access. Evangeline also set up a mini nursery in our bedroom.

As the months passed by we grew more excited. Each day gone meant another day closer to having our own little child in our home.


We did not speak of Whisper very much, because when we did, we both would start to cry. But that did not mean she ever left our minds or our hearts.

Especially for me. It had been like losing a daughter.


What made the whole transition so much easier, was Evangeline. With each day we grew closer to each other and I fell more in love with her.

I never thought it possible to so completely love another person.

Evangeline taught me how and I was sure that when our baby arrived, I would feel the same unconditional love.

She was my life, my best friend, my lover, my forever.

There was never a second that I did not thank my lucky stars for having met her.


The time passed quickly and before we knew it, we were near Evangeline's due date.

Our Doctor, Dr. Graham, assured us that everything was ok and the baby would come any day.


Because we were so far from the hospital in Corner Brook, we decided to rent a suite at the Glynmill Inn Hotel and stay there until the baby was born. The hotel was only a five minute drive from the hospital and no matter what time Evangeline was ready to give birth, it would be a quick drive.


Bobby agreed to look after the cats and we stayed in contact every day, especially Evangeline and Jessie, as Jessie was due about 6 weeks after Evangeline.


All was in place. All we had to do was wait.


It was July 2, 2012.

I was awakened by Evangeline at exactly 3:44 in the morning.


"We had better go," she informed me, a huge smile on her face.


Suddenly I was wide awake. "It's time?"

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