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It was the middle of March.

I was going over the plans for the extension to the motel with the contractor, from Gander. It was an amazing extension that not only gave the motel a larger dining room and built in dinner theatre, but above the dining room, would be the new Pub, with an outdoor veranda for iceberg and whale watching. The main dining room would have huge windows so that there was a clear view of the ocean, especially during April and May when the icebergs and whales were most abundant.

I was blown away at how quickly the renovations were done. With so many people on 'pogey' during the winter, workers were readily available, if paid in cash under the table.

I worked out a deal with the contractor and we had his regular crew working, to keep it looking legit, but also we hired dozens of local plumbers and electricians and carpenters.

We did the 20 room motel, room by room and did all the work during the day, so we did not even have to shut down the motel.

Every piece of furniture was replaced, along with carpets. Hardwood floors and rubber-back mats were in every room. Every room was a little different and showcased local artists and seamstresses.

Original comforters and paintings were in every room and all were available for sale.


To apologize to those who stayed at the motel during the renovations, the motel offered 1/2 price meals and beer and vouchers for one free night, when we officially reopened the motel at the beginning of May.


I handled all the money. Hank and Cavelle and their kids looked after the motel, with the help of 4 new staff we hired. I handled the renovations, even as far as designing the extension for the motel.

We also built 6 new cabin units on the property and purchased the property next to the motel, where an old broken down fish plant was. Plans were for a further extension in the new year, which would include a fisherman's museum, utilizing all the machines and equipment left in the old plant. We even decided to use the old wood of the building to adorn the walls of the museum.

It was going to cost me a lot more than initially planned, but I didn't care.

I was happy and I really felt alive.


I even let my hair and beard grow out. I guess I felt a new look would be a new start for me.


Ghost and Spirit were doing great and they were as much a part of the motel experience as anyone was.

Seems that one night in the middle of February, I did not properly shut the door to my cabin. Both cats snuck outside while I was having a shower.

As soon as I stepped out of the shower, my cell phone rang. I assumed it was Bobby, checking in with me, but it was Cavelle, informing me that my two cats were now in the Pub.

I hurried to the Pub, prepared to apologize, but there was no need.

The two cats were sitting on the bar, basking in the adoration they were getting from not only Hank and Cavelle, but from all the patrons of the bar.

It was decided that night, that they were welcome at the Pub, anytime, and every night they would accompany me.

Now, they just came to the motel, when I went there.

They always surprised me, as they were so obedient. They listened to what they were told and they were even more obedient than most dogs.

Most of the day, they spent in their beds, which were off from the gas fireplace that was at the far corner of the Pub.


Bobby and Jessie checked in with me, at least, every other day.

Mostly it was gossip from the Rock, but they both continuously reminded me that I should phone Sheila and talk to her.

I tried several times, with the same end result. I didn't know what to say and I usually froze up, ending the call with ...

"I'm sorry."

I had my number made private, so she could not return my calls.


Bobby and Jessie always asked where I was, but I would not tell them. I told them I was fine and the cats were fine and that I would be coming home by the summer.

They were both wonderful and I loved them all to pieces.

They assured me that the house was fine. They had moved in, but they stayed in the small apartment at the back of the house.

Bobby said, jokingly, they only used the main house for their weekly parties.

I would always hear Jessie swear at him and slap him.


They had an amazing cruise and Bobby told me he had 12 photo cards filled with pictures, for me to see when I returned.

Jessie laughed, "He even took pictures of sand on the beaches and plants at every stop, plus every house, hotel and store we passed."

I promised I would look at every one of them, when I got back.


I thought of Whisper every night.

My routine was to sit on a chair, just in front of the living room window of my cabin door and have a cigar and a drink of scotch.

Ghost and Spirit would sit in the window and watch me.

I often wondered what she was doing and how she was. I wanted so hard to believe that she was fine and the ghostly giggling that I had heard was actually my Whisper letting me know that she was okay. I missed her so much and I wished that one day she would return.

Maybe she would, when I went back home.

I also though about Sheila and what could have been. I knew I hurt her and I did feel like a shit, but it was just something I felt I had to do. I know we could have had a great life together, but would I have truly been happy?

I guess I will never know.


I can't say that I am 100% satisfied with my decisions, but being involved with this family, has made me feel a part of something, again. Even with Sheila and Henry, I realize now, that it was not the same feeling.

And in the long run, I was sure she would be better off.


The contractor was happy with the decisions that we had made, so we shook hands and I headed for the Pub. I needed to talk to Hank about the fireplace in the new Pub.

We could put in a wood burning fireplace, but he strongly recommended a gas burning fireplace, because of the obvious fire hazard, but also the smell and the mess that came with dealing with real wood.


Hank and Cavelle were at the bar, talking to a woman.


"Ah, here comes our partner now," Hank smiled.


The woman turned around.


"This be our partner, Will Templeton. Will, boy, dis be Evangelina Carson."

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