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Teething was a bitch. It hurts like hell and I'm chewing on everything and anything I can get my grubby little hands on.

I'm certainly causing trouble for Okaa-san and Otou-san. I've been moving around more and more on my own, especially after my first birthday. I can now kind of run, and have been exploring our house as much as possible.

Two bedrooms (one of which is mine),  two bathrooms, a small living room, a dining room, and a kitchen.

The floor was hardwood,but in some areas was made out of cool linel. The walls were painted grey, however the paint was beginning to peel. I'm guessing that this is an older house.


Being a toddler is better than being a baby I guess. At three years old, you can bet things were changing again.

Constant growing pains, and potty training. Hallelujah! I hate being a baby.


My caregivers decided that it was finally time that I go outside, which is why I'm now connected to a ridiculous child harness.

One thing to notice when outside, is how old everthing looks.

I haven't seen a single LED sign, or car, or pizza place! All the buildings are old fashioned. What's even weirder is the fact that I spotted a armory and weapon shop.

Wherever I am, it's not the same world as before.

Despite all the weird shit, I did see one cool thing. We passed an archery range and some guy just hit the bullseye.

That's some cool shit.


Believe it or not, my fourth birthday is coming up. How do I know?

Otou-san and Okaa-san have began putting presents up around the house, along with a giant streamer that says something along the lines of 'happy fourth birthday!'

I'm hyped to open the presents. It really doesn't matter how old you get, tearing open that wrapping paper is just satisfying.


I roll out of bed and onto the floor, like the lazy toddler I am. I made a loud 'thud' and it wasn't long before Okaa-san showed up to make sure I didn't have any lasting brain damage.

"Good morning Yuuto!" She chirps, picking me up off the floor and setting me on my feet.

"Morning." I mumbled back.

"Let's head down stairs for breakfast and see what Otou-sans cooking." She says.

I nod and follow after her, leaving the room. We head down the steps and into the kitchen, where Otou-san was hunched over a pan of frying bacon.

"Happy birthday Yuuto!" He exclaimed, pointing to the pan. "I'm making bacon!"

I smiled at his usual goofiness and sat down at the table. While I was unsure at first, my new parents have grown on me.

Breakfast consisted of orange juice, bacon, and pancakes, courtesy of Otou-san, who is a wicked cook. Okaa-san can't cook to save her life.

That reminds me, after a while of listening I finally picked up on their names. Kiyoko (Okaa-san) and Fumio (Otou-san) Tatsumi; which made me Yuuto Tatsumi, their one and only son.

"After breakfast can I open my presents?" I ask eagerly and in full sentences.

Okaa-san smiled. "Of course sweatheart!"

"You're so big and smart now!" Otou-san chuckles, reaching over to ruffle my hair.

Maybe I was cheating a bit. My parents thought I was a genius, talking in full sentences and being only four. Well, I'm actually twenty and still not all that familiar with Japanese, although I am considerably better than other kids that are 'my age.'

I'm also considered anti-social, which isn't the case. I just find it hard to act like a four year old around other four year olds. Not to mention those times where I've accidentally said something in english. Whoops.

The three of us finish eating quickly and head into the living room, where two presents sat.

The first wasn't very big, and it was wrapped in golden wrapping paper with a blue bow on top. I ripped the gift open and peered inside the box.

Inside was a white dragon plushie, which looked handmade

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Inside was a white dragon plushie, which looked handmade.

"Do you like it?" Omaa-san asks giddily. "I made it just for you."

I carefully take it out of the box and hold it in my arms, enjoying the feeling of the soft yarn against my arms.

"I love it." I reply with a smile, leaving the dragon in my lap as Otou-san passed me another gift. "And I'll even name him."

"Oh? What are you going to name him?" Otou-san asks.

"Shiro." I decide. "The perfect name for a white dragon."

Otou-san smiles and hands me the next present. "Indeed it is."

This box was larger and was wrapped in sparkly blue wrapping paper, with a white bow on top. I set Shiro aside and tore into the new present, pulling out the gift with a gasp.

It was a bow, and not just any bow, one that has clearly been hand made. How did I know this? My initials had been carves into the wood, Y.T.

"I know you've been fascinated with archery for so long, so I had a friend of mine make this for you." Otou-san said. "On top of that, he has promised to let you use the range for practice, with supervision of course."

At the bottom of the box also laid a quiver of arrows with a leather strap fit just for me.

The bow itself was made from bamboo, and made just for my size. The string was drawn taunt and ready to fire. When I plucked the string it made a pleasant 'twang' sound.

"Thanks Okaa-san, Otou-san." I say gratefully, admiring the two hand made gifts.

"Your welcome, now what do you say we go to the shooting range so you can practice?" Otou-san asks.

"What are we waiting for!" I exclaim in excitement. "Let's go!"


After my fourth birthday I began spending at least an hour every afternoon at the shooting range, improving my accuracy. Okaa-san and Otou-san wouldn't let me use my bow without supervision though, meaning the range owner and I got very familiar.

I tell you, seeing a four year old and a almost six and a half foot tall guy covered with scars practice their archery together is quite the sight.

Akiyoshi is actually really nice though. He gives me free lessons, let's me come by whenever I want, and even gives me more arrows when I run out.

This stayed my routine for two years, the only thing changing being the size of my bow as I grew.

Until one day, that all changed.


Am I doing a good job showing the connection between Yuuto and his parents? Let me know!

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