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We woke up bright and early the next morning, leaving some of us in a bad mood. By some, I mean Sakura, Tazuna, and I. I slept fine, but five hours of sleep is not what I'm used to. Sakura complained about her hair being all messed up, which I could relate to. And Tazuna woke up with a hangover. How did he decide to get over it? Drinking of course.

After my hair dilemma was sorted out, I left Sasuke and I's tent, smoothing out my clothes and adjusting my glasses and headband, which was still around my neck. Kakashi sat outside, eating something while using his book to cover his face. His eyes drifted up and caught mine and it wasn't long before he was throwing a breakfast bar. I fumbled to catch it, blanching at the label.

"Breakfast bar?" I gagged. "Why can't we have real food?"

"Because, Yuuto, it takes too long to cook and we've wasted enough time." Kakashi replied. "Eat up!"

I rolled my eyes and looked to Sakura, making another gag face which made her break into giggles. Naruto joined in the laughter and Sasuke rolled his eyes, the faintest of smiles gracing his face. Tazuna began his daily routine of consuming a concerning amount of alcohol and looking at me like I was the drunk one.

"What the hell is so funny to you brats?" Tazuna slurred.

"Nothing," I chuckled. "Nothing at all."

A felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped, my hand slipping into the pouch of kunai around my waist. A hand gently took mine away from the sharp weapons and I turned my head ever so slightly so I could see who it was.

"Sorry Yuuto, I forgot about what happened yesterday." Kakashi said, quickly removing his hands.

"It's fine," I flinched, shoving his hand away. "But didn't you have something important to say?"

"Ah yes, I want you all to have your tents packed up and be ready to go in half an hour." He ordered. "We're behind schedule enough as is."

We all sighed.

"Hai, sensei."


I was hunched over in Sasuke and I's tent packing my belongings back into my bag and I felt my wings twitch. I quickly glanced over my shoulder and sighed in relief when I saw that Sasuke had his back turned to me. It seemed as though it was coming to be that time again.

Every year around this time, I go through a sort of 'growth spurt.' To put it simply, my tail and wings are adjusting themselves based on how I grow and how much weight I gain. My wings need to be able to support my weight in flight and my tail stays proportionate to the rest of my body, hanging just above my ankles. There are many downsides to this though, like back pain, fatigue, restlessness (need to fly), and my favourite; moulting. I begin to shed my feathers and my scales, making room for new feathers and scales. Now I have to worry about feathers and scales showing up in random places. On top of that, every so often, my wings or tail will twitch. I haven't quite figured out how noticeable the twitching is yet. 

I quickly finished packing and slung my quiver and pack over my shoulder, leaving the tent right after Sasuke.

Sasuke and took down our tent, rolling it up and sealing all the parts into a storage scroll which Sasuke decided to hold. Some bullshit about how I looked like the irresponsible one in our group. I then pointed at Naruto with a blank look.

"Alright everyone!" Kakashi chirped, clapping his hands together. "Let's move out! We aren't far from the docks and we're slightly behind schedule!"

"Hai, sensei!"

We all marched on, walking towards the docks at the edge of the Land of Fire. I adjusted my cloak several times as we walked, making sure to look behind me every time my wings shifted. No one seemed to notice, which was a good thing.

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