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It wasn't until the third year started that students began dropping like flies.

Taijutsu increased in difficulty, we started learning how to throw and aim fake wooden kunai and shuriken, and finally started being taught about chakra and how to use it.

If students couldn't pick up the lessons within a few months it was recommended that they are dropped from the program. You may expect something this extreme during wartimes, but nope. The system was hard on us, no denying that. People from civilian families were especially prone to dropping out. They either couldn't take the stress or their parents were concerned and the switch in schools was made.

By the end of the third year, I was nine years old and still in the program. I am determined not to drop out.


While I already know I'm average in every subject, taijutsu seems to be my worst area. I can fight fine, but every blow hurts a lot more than it should, a side effect of experimentation I suppose.

On the bright side, I basically had a tutor all to myself, when he wasn't out on missions. Surprisingly, he didn't go on missions a lot anymore, and I don't want to imagine that's my fault. I'm nine! Well, twenty if you think about it. I can cook my own meals (granted not good meals)! I can walk to school myself!

In short, Tenzo is like another mother. Not a father. Definitely more of a mother.

No way in hell was I going to start calling him Kaa-san. I'm having none of that shit.


Remember how I said that I was about average at everything? Well, that might've been me lying to myself.

Taijutsu can go die. Screw all those taijutsu enthusiasts!

What's worse? It doesn't matter who I'm up against, I get my ass handed to me. Out of everyone here, I'm probably the worst at taijutsu including most of the girls. The ones who actually had some skill included; Hinata, Ino and Sakura. The only problem with Sakura is that while she knows the different attacks and forms, she's not the greatest at actually using them, she's also lacking in strength. Not to mention that I personally don't like her.

Why I don't like her? 

I'll explain.


It was another one of those days, and by that, I meant it was one of the few days where Iruka, our sensei, let the boys and girl spar against each other.

You'd think the girls in our class would love to spar with Sasuke, right? Wrong! They're all terrified of having their asses handed to them, myself included. I've seen what Sasuke can do to a simple training dummy, and that is enough for me to say, 'fuck that!'

Sasuke must've been feeling extra moody that day because he volunteered to be in the first match of the day. When Iruka asked for a volunteer to go against him, everyone was silent. I made the mistake of looking right at Iruka-sensei.

"Yuuto! Why don't you spar against Sasuke?"

"How about no?" I nervously laughed.

Just then Kiba and Naruto began shouting, saving me from that fate.

Sasuke ended up picking Naruto to go against him (big surprise) and they fought it out. Turns out that their rivalry even went back to academy days. I swear they are gay for each other. It could happen. Just look at the fandom when I was still alive, everyone shipped those two.

All these thoughts only made me feel worse. If Sasuke and Naruto ended up together it would crush poor Hinata, but then I'd have a chance with her, but I know she doesn't like me. Why can't my life be simple?

Anyway, the match ended in a draw because both boys had gotten tired and collapsed after a fight that lasted a good thirty minutes. Finally, we could move onto another match.

"Sensei!" Sakura called. "Can I go next?"

"Of course Sakura!" Iruka smiled. "Who'd like to go against Sakura?"

Sakura stood in the center of the field with a huge creepy grin on her face, cracking her knuckles as she eyed up her possible next prey. I slunk further back into the crowd. Not me, not me, not me, please not me!

"Yuuto! You haven't sparred in a while!"

"Shit." I hissed under my breath.

"Did you say something?" Iruka asked.

"Nothing sensei!" I smiled innocently. "I'll gladly spar against Sakura."

I slowly walk out of the crowd and stand across from Sakura, taking a starting stance that had my legs tense and ready to jump away. The only plus to the fact I'm so light is that I can dodge like nobody's business, I just can't land a hit.


The fight went as well as you're probably imagining.

With the signal to start given, Sakura charged, rearing back a fist in a sloppy attempt to hit me. I jump backwards, the momentum of the punch forcing Sakura to continue moving forward. I speed behind her and land a punch to her back, forcing her to get a faceful of dirt. After landing the hit I quickly jumped away, not quite ready for what happened next.

Sakura was smoking, as she slowly got up, her back facing me. The ground all took a few steps back, many of them began shaking. Iruka nervously tried to keep the crowd calm.

"Uh, Sakura?" I said quietly. "I'm really sorry about-"

"YOU RUINED MY HAIR CROSSDRESSER!" She roared, coming at me with newfound speed.

"Shit shit shit shit shit!" I screamed, jumping around the place like crazy, back-flipping or front-flipping whenever I could to avoid being crushed.

Eventually, however, my luck ran out. Sakura socked me in the face and I heard a crack as my glasses flew off my face, making the world twist and spin until I could no longer see anything but the sky.

"Sakura wins?" Iruka squeaked.

"Crossdresser?" I mumbled. "The hell is that supposed to mean."

I promptly passed out after that. So done.


When I regained consciousness, Hinata stood next to a bed that I realized must've been my bed back at home.

"Yuuto, g-glad you're awake." Hinata stammered, smiling softly.

I smiled back. Hinata had gotten a lot better at not stuttering when she spoke.

Then I realized she was still really blurry.

"Where are my glasses?" I asked, sitting up.

"They broke," Hinata mumbled.

"Well, that sucks." I huffed, flopping back onto the bed.

"Tenzo-san w-went to go get them repaired," Hinata explained. "He told me to k-keep an eye on you."

"He's such a worry wart." I sighed.

"Only because he c-cares about you," Hinata said.

"You're right," I nodded. "Tenzo and I are in the same boat, we are each other's family now."

"Don't forget about me." Hinata teased.

"Of course, I would never." I quickly agree.

The both of us burst into giggles. It was times like these where I wished I could truly be myself.

Hinata only knew about part of the real me. I don't want to ruin what we have.


Poor Yuuto, at least Hinata and Tenzo are there for him. Unfortunately, he and Hinata aren't going to work out.

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