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The next morning I decided to sleep in. I knew from prior knowledge that Kakashi doesn't show up until roughly three hours after we're supposed to meet. 

"It's 7 am, you're late Yuuto." Tenzo scolds.

"I know," I replied, rolling over in bed. "But I don't particularly care."

"You're going to give your team a bad first impression." He said. 

"I probably already have knowing me." I yawned.

"Just get up," He sighed. "I made ramen for breakfast."

"Ramen for breakfast?" I asked, quickly sitting up out of bed. "Since when do you make non-breakfast foods for breakfast?"

"Since I'm lazy and tired." He sighed. "I stayed up way too late talking to you about how Kakashi-senpai and I met."

"Is it cup ramen?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Blasphemy!" Tenzo exclaimed. "I would never cook cup ramen! It's an insult to my skills!"

"Okay, okay, chill the fuck out man." I groaned.

"Language!" Tenzo said, making that face.

I shivered and my back straightened. "Right! Sorry! Won't happen again!"

"Now hurry up and get ready to go, we've wasted enough time talking." He sighed, walking out and shutting the door.

I chuckled and swung my feet over my bed, stretching my wings and tail along with my arms while yawning loudly. My arms dropped and I glanced at my nightstand, reaching for the blurry outline of my glasses. I stuck them on my face and wandered over to my closet, pulling off the white tank top and black shorts I was wearing. I slipped on my gray undershirt and slipped my wings through, then putting my dark green cloak overtop. I pulled on my black pants and tied the legs down with bandages, putting on my black sandals. Glancing at my nightstand, I snatched up my headband and securely tied the white cloth around my neck. I then left my room and went into the bathroom, tying my hair up into a bun to keep my hair out of my face. 

The scent of ramen wafted into my nose and I practically drooled. 

"Don't eat breakfast, you might throw up."

Sorry Kakashi, but Tenzo's ramen is too good to refuse!

I hurry into the dining room and smoothly slide into a chair, turning to look towards the kitchen with an eager look.

"Breakfast is served." Tenzo said, placing two bowls down on the table and sitting down.

We both pick up our chopsticks and dig in, the sounds of my rude slurping filling the room. 

"I have another assignment today, so I may not be home until later." Tenzo said once he finished his food.

"Oh, I'm not sure how long I'll be out for, but I'll see you tonight then." I replied, finishing my own bowl.

I stood up from the table and walked to the door, where my bow, quiver, and kunai and shuriken pouch waited. I fastened the pouch to my right leg and slung my quiver over my head and shoulder, along with my bow so I had my hands free.

"See you later!" I called into the apartment while opening the door.

"Bye!" Tenzo called back.

I shut the door and left the apartment.


I had taken my sweet time getting there, so by the time I arrived it was almost 8:30 am.

"You're late!" Sakura yelled, making me flinch.

"I overslept?" I nervously chuckled.

Sakura just crossed her arms and stalked off. She could be scary when she wanted to be. Sasuke and Naruto where already here, but they spent all their time glaring at each other. I hate to repeat myself, but I swear they are gay for each other. I'm not a hater, it's cool in my book.

Naruto eventually stopped glaring at Sasuke though and noticed that I had arrived, taking one look at my bow before his eyes twinkled.

"Whoa!" He exclaimed. "I know you said you liked archery, but I didn't know if you'd bring your bow with you!"

I took my bow off my shoulder and held it, smiling at the intricate carvings in the sturdy bamboo.

"Yeah, I've done archery since I was four." I said, smiling bittersweetly. "My parents got me my first bow..."

"What are your parents like?!" Naruto chirped. "Can I meet them one day."

My old fears and memories came flooding back to me. The dead look in their eyes, their bodies just lying there in a pool of blood. Looks of terror permanently stuck on their once beautiful faces. I clenched my fist and grit my teeth, sitting down and hugging my knees to my chest. I rocked back and forth, breathing heavily in an attempt to calm myself down. I was so busy panicking that I barely noticed Naruto loud concerned voice. I didn't even hear Sakura.

After all this time I haven't had a nightmare or panic attack in ages, but it's all coming back. I thought it all was over when in truth I was just ignoring reality. Without Tenzo here to calm me down, it took a lot longer for me to relax. I uncurled myself eventually and looked away from my team.

"Yuuto?" Sakura croaked. "Are you... Alright?"

I just nodded, still facing away. I'm lying to them, just like I'm lying to myself. I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine, I'm fine. I repeated it in my head like a mantra.


When Kakashi finally showed up I flinched away, acting like my weak seven-year-old self again. I stood up quickly and faces the rest of my team, acting like I didn't just have a panic attack. I breathed in and out, clutching my bow like it would save me from all this pain.

"You alright there Yuuto?" Kakashi asked. "You're looking a little pale."

"I'm always pale." I mumbled, attempting to make it sound like a witty remark and not a broken cry.

"Right, but are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine, sorry to interrupt." I said, bowing my head slightly.

"It's fine," He smiled. "Anyway, your task today is simple. Just get these bells from me before noon."

Kakashi dangled three bells in front of our faces and placed down a clock set to go off at noon.

"You will have until noon to get a bell, and if you don't," Kakashi's smile darkened. "You will be tied to a post and forced to watch while I eat your lunch."

In synch, three stomachs growled. I awkwardly stand there. Tenzo's ramen was too good to pass up.

"You can use any weapons you want, and make sure you don't fail," Kakashi grinned even more. "Because if you fail, you will be sent back to the Academy."

The clearing went dead silent until Sakura spoke up.

"But that's dangerous!" Sakura exclaimed in worry.

"That's the point," Kakashi replied. "If you don't come at me with the intention to kill, there is no way you'll pass."

I gripped my bow tightly, my legs waiting for the signal to begin.

"Get ready," Kakashi said, still standing in a relaxed posture.

Sasuke palmed a kunai and Naruto reached into his pouch.


I crouched down, ready to leap away, my hand also reaching into my weapons pouch. Sakura looked around nervously.


I threw down a smoke bomb.


Sorry, I was going to make the bell test one chapter, but I decided to spread it out more. Hope you understand!

And on a totally unrelated note, I have a date on Saturday!

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