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The first bit of the chapter is in no one's POV.


Inoichi left the hospital room with a destination in mind. He barely spoke to Kakashi and his team, simply telling them they could go in now before walking off. He had other things to do.

He just found out that a kid named Yuuto Tatsumi has lived before and not even the Hokage knows about it. 

Inoichi took the shinobi highway to get to their leader's office, hopping along rooftops at a leisurely pace to not alarm anyone else. Finally, the huge red building came into view and Inoichi jumped off the roof of a house and onto the ground in front of the building. He entered the building and climbed the near endless stairs until he reached the top. He politely knocked on the door and waited.

"Come in."


"I believe Yuuto Tatsumi has lived before."

The room went dead silent as the Hokage puffed on his pipe.

"What made you come to that conclusion, Inoichi?" The Hokage asked.

"Yuuto went to the hospital this afternoon after he passed out and I was called to find out what was wrong from going into his mind." Inoichi explained. "However, I discovered something much more alarming. He has memories from his life of course, but he has memories that go beyond that. He has another lifetime's worth of memories. The memories were all fuzzy though."

"I see," The Hokage hummed in thought. "I will speak to him in private very soon. In the meantime Inoichi, you can not tell anyone about Yuuto, this is now an S-rank secret. I don't want you to ever even mention this again, not even to the next Hokage."

"I understand Hokage-sama." Inoichi nodded. "I will take my leave then."

"Good work Inoichi, keep it up."


I woke up the next morning in my own bed when my alarm went off at 6:30 am. I quickly got ready and tied my hair up into a bun, sneaking into the kitchen and picking up an apple. Tenzo snored away on the couch and I chuckled to myself, leaving the house as quietly as possible. I quickly made my way to the Academy.

Wouldn't want to be late after all!


Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto and I all waited outside the Academy gates for our sensei to show up. I somehow managed to forget that our sensei is most likely always going to be late. On the bright side, we didn't end up waiting three hours.

"Yo!" Kakashi cheerfully greets us after about an hour passed.

"You're late!" Sakura and Naruto exclaimed.

"I ran into an old lady who needed help carrying things and couldn't just leave her." Kakashi said.

"It doesn't matter now." I sighed. "He's here and we can finally go get our first official mission."

"I think this one's becoming my favourite!" Kakashi said with a smile, placing a hand on my hair and ruffling it.

I swatted his hand away. "Please, watch the hair." 

"Anyways, we've wasted enough time. Let's get our mission already!" Kakashi chirped.


"Why babysitting?!" I groan.

"It's just babysitting." Sakura said, rolling her eyes.

"I can't deal with children!" I whine. "They're loud and annoying and they might pull my hair!"

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