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The fourth year was a dramatic change for most of the civilian students left.

We had already begun learning how to use our chakra by infusing it with our weapons for more power, but in the fourth year, we began actually using jutsu. The very first task we had was to memorize each and every hand sign and then take both a written and physical test. The written exam was easy, simply identify the handsign, however, the physical part was what made many people fail and drop out. Iruka-sensei would tell us the name of a hand sign and we'd have to form that hand sign in five seconds or less. We could only have three marks, otherwise, we failed. Every student was also only allowed one re-test.

Needless to say, it was a high-stress situation. What's worse? I'm waiting anxiously for my turn. Screw the graduation test! This is nervewracking! 

"Yuuto Tatsumi."

I rise from my seat and mask my anxiety with a face of indifference, sinking into the collar of my jacket, which was no longer as big as it used to be. I glided past Hinata's seat and she whispered words of encouragement before I was out of earshot.

"Good luck."

I turn my head slightly and nod. Luck sure would help in my case, at least I had Tenzo drill all the signs into my head.

I leave the classroom and follow Iruka down the hallway to the test room, trying to sneak a glance at the clipboard he held to his chest. However, I never did catch a glimpse. We entered the room and I found it to be incredibly bare. It was a room about to size of my bedroom, with only one desk and one chair. Iruka took a seat behind the desk and I stood before him, my hands clasped behind my back.

"You did very well on the written test," Iruka needlessly said. "Now let us see how you do on the physical test."

Iruka clicked his pen, touching it to his checkboard.


My right-hand goes into a fist with my left one over top.


I interlock all my fingers.


I unlock my thumbs and index fingers, pointing them upwards.


I interlock y fingers again, but this time at the second joint and with my index fingers and thumbs pointing up.



After all the students had taken the test Iruka-sensei told us all to head home and rest, explaining he would post the results tomorrow morning on the classroom door. Once everyone left, the halls exploded with conversation.

"Oh man! Moms going to kill me!"

"I think I failed the written part!"

"I know I did awful! Wait 'till my dad finds out!"

I rolled my eyes. Did I feel envious? Of course. They all had their parents, don't complain about them when you have them. At the same time though, I felt smug. Tenzo wouldn't care if I failed. Why? Because I know I did fine.


Early the next morning, around the classroom door was packed. As Iruka had said, the results of both the written and physical were up. I squinted at the paper to see, almost giving up before remembering my little advantage. I push my glasses onto my head, looking at the paper again.

Written Part

100 Points - Sasuke Uchiha

100 Points - Yuuto Tatsumi

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