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Credits to original artist! Just wanted to show you what his current glasses look like!

There was a soft knock on my door.

"Yuuto? It's time for school."

"Five more minutes."

"I made bacon."

"Be up in a minute."

Food. My only motivator.


Breakfast was delicious (as usual) however my mood had soured after getting up.

I died just to go to school again. That and school starts even earlier here.

"Are you ready to go?" Tenzo asked, putting the dirty dishes into the sink to be washed later.

"I think so." I replied, checking myself over.

Clothes, check. Backpack, check. School supplies, check. Lunch, check.

"So you've got everything?" He checked.

"Yes, I'm ready to go." I yawned.

"Then let's start heading over there."


Tenzo for once wasn't armed to the teeth and wearing mission gear. Instead, he wore a simple dark blue long-sleeved shirt and black pants. The only weapons on him were in a single pouch of kunai.

I wore my white t-shirt, and a gray jacket buttoned up to my neck. My glasses were perched on my fair nose and my face my contorted into a look of dread.

"Don't look so anti-social." Tenzo chuckles, slapping my shoulder.

"I can't help it." I mumble.

"Yes, you can." He sighed. "At least try and make some friends."

"Fine, I'll try." I huffed, missing the feeling of my quiver over my shoulder.

Tenzo smiled at that, tussling my hair.

"Look, the Academy's just up ahead." He said, staring at a large, red, multi-floored building with plenty of windows.

"I'm going to get lost." I sigh.

"You shouldn't, your class is relatively easy to find." He said. "Although, everyone one else your age has already completed their first year."

"So will I be going into the first or second year?" I asked.

"Second, I'll make sure that anything you miss, you will learn." He replied. "If you need help with anything, don't be afraid to ask."

"Thanks, I think I'm good for know." I smiled.

It was true though, Tenzo had asked my teacher for the curriculum from last year and taught me whatever was on it, although it was all quite easy. The things I learned had mostly consisted of geography, history, chakra (just explaining it), and briefly, we talked about ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu.

Overall, the first year was easy, not to mention I already knew a little of that stuff from watching Naruto. Granted I never saw much, it was enough to get an idea of how the world kind if works.

We entered through the gate and walked inside, up to a little area that looked like an office. A woman sat behind the counter, one with brown hair and green eyes.

"How can I help you?" The woman asked, casually tossing a kunai in the air.

"This is Yuuto, I'm wondering what class he's in." Tenzo politely replied, ignoring the kunai.

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