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The third year seemed to end faster than the rest, although that could've just been because of how busy it was. The class sizes all got very small, and now there are only two classes left of all the people who have made it to the fourth year.

Needless to say, both Hinata and I have increased the amount of time we train, resulting in us having less, and less free time. While we still hung out at school, we hung out a lot less, which brings us to where we are now.

"Nice shot!" Tenzo praised clapping his hands happily.

I lowered my bow and turned my eyes away from the target I hit.

We were back in the forest of death, training together. Tenzo made targets from his wood style and I hit them, also practicing things like hovering and hitting targets and flying while trying to hit a target. With my glasses off, my aim was near perfect, and with them on I was still damn good. Not only was I good with my bow and arrow, but I also excelled at the Academy when using thrown projectiles.

Tenzo raised another target made from wood out of the ground and pointed to it.

"Try and charge your chakra into it this time, make it go through the target." Tenzo said.

I snapped my head over to look at Tenzo and flipped my glasses back on, giving him a glare. He held his hands up defensively.

"What's the big deal?" He asked.

I shook my head. It didn't matter, they aren't alive anymore to tell me no, I did it anyway when they were alive.

"Sorry Tenzo," I sighed. "It's nothing."

I put my glasses back on my head and nock an arrow, focusing on the target before me. I shut my eyes for a moment, feeling the familiar hum of chakra travel through me and into the bow and arrow. I pull the string taut and my yellow eyes snap open, locking onto my target. I release the string and the arrow flies true to its target, plowing right through it.

"Have you done this before?" Tenzo asks.

"Yes," I nod. "I had someone who used to teach me archery when I was about four, he taught me how to unlock and use my chakra."

"Then would you like to learn the next step?" He grinned.

"Next step?" I asked.

"First, why don't we find out what your affinity is?"


Fifteen minutes later, Tenzo and I find ourselves in the market, which is busy with human traffic, both civilian and shinobi. Vendors are yelling from all directions, each of them trying to one up the other vendors and get more customers.

We take a sharp right into another section of the street, the only difference here being that there were no civilians in sight, other than the vendors, who sold masks instead if fruits, weapons instead of vegatables, and armer instead of clothes.

Tenzo makes his way to the end of the street to a small stall that sold all sorts of weapons, including fuinjutsu supplies and and explosion tags.

"Captain! How have you been? I haven't see you in forever!" A tall, thin man with dark blue eyes exclaimed.

"Same as usual." Tenzo shrugged then pointing to me. "Except I now have this guy living with me."

"Hi, I'm Yuuto, nice to meet you." I speak up, waving a hand politely.

"You've got a kid living with you?" The man asked.

"Long story, I'll explain, but only after you get me some special paper." Tenzo winked.

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