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I threw down a smoke bomb, then quickly leaping away and into the trees. I assumed Sasuke, Sakura and Naruto had done the same, but when the smoke cleared, Naruto still stood there, hacking and coughing.

"Compared to the others you seem kind of... Stupid." Kakashi said.

I wanted to smack my forehead, but I remained silent in my trees.

Naruto brushed away the last bit of smoke and smirked, pulling out a kunai and charging. He attempted to stab Kakashi, but Kakashi simply backed away. A smile making him close his one visible eye. 

"At least you came at me with the intent to kill," He said. "I'm starting to like you guys."

I was honestly having a hard time believing this guy, but I just sat back and watched, for now, nocking an arrow just in case.

"Dammit!" Naruto roared "Shadow clone jutsu!"

Around thirty clones of Naruto surrounded Kakashi, who still looked calm despite the horde of orange coming at him from all directions. Hell, some were even jumping at him. Kakashi threw a smoke bomb of his own, and I squinted through the cloud to try and catch a glimpse of what was happening.

When the smoke finally did clear, Kakashi was nowhere in sight. I looked at the Naruto clones suspiciously, apparently thinking the same thing as Naruto and his clones.

"Find him!"

"He must be hiding among us!"

"Is it you?!"

"Hell no! It's probably you!"

The Narutos bickered back and forth before a fight broke out and the clones began dispersing themselves. I sweatdropped.

My thoughts seemed to go almost too fast for my mind, thinking of where Kakashi could be. My guess? He probably substituted with a Naruto clone and then bailed. But where is he now?

~~ Meanwhile... ~~

Sakura wondered through the trees in search of her teammate and crush Sasuke Uchiha. Nothing has changed apparently.

Someone appeared behind her and his chakra spiked before she hit the ground.

"Lesson one, genjutsu."

~~ With Yuuto ~~

Kakashi burst from the trees, his hands forming the sign for tiger. I pulled the string back on my bow and began to aim. Maybe while Naruto is distracted I could get a lucky shot in and get the bells? Then I could distribute them to... Well shit. I'll figure it out later. If I can even pass.

"Lesson two, taijutsu"

Naruto wasn't ready for the sneak attack, so when Kakashi basically raped his butt, he went flying. I held in my laughter, no need to give up my position. I looked to where Naruto had gone just in time to see him land in the river. He burst from the water kicking and screaming, but Kakashi had already disappeared.

I quickly looked behind me, but to my relief, he was gone. Naruto climbed out of the water and spotted something near the trunk of a tree. I lifted my glasses for a moment and spotted the bell, along with a painfully obvious trap. But of course, Naruto fell for it. A rope grabbed his ankle and hun him upside down from a tree branch while he reached for the bell below him. Kakashi walked out of the shadow of the tree, tossing the bell up and down tauntingly. 

"You were... Mildly amusing," Kakashi said. "But I got others to find."

Leaves swirled around him and he was gone again. My head looked left and right again, searching for him. When I couldn't spot him I decided to approach Naruto, might as well try and get his help.

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