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It was probably some time after midnight and I was in the woods practicing using my chakra. It was a good feeling to be able to use my chakra, especially when I experimented with it, adding more and less.

But there was something wrong with tonight.

It was quiet, too quiet. The silence was eerie, and I had a bad feeling. I didn't stay out for too much longer before I decided it would be best that I headed home.

Thankfully my bedroom was on the first floor, making it easy to slip inside the window which I had left open. I crawled inside and shut the window, tip-toeing my way up the stairs to my parent's room.

The door was open slightly (as usual) and I peeked inside, only to be horrified.

A puddle of red was expanding rapidly across the floor, and on the floor were two bodies. My Okaa-sans- no, my mothers dead eyes bore into mine. I fell backwards and pushed myself up against the wall.

"No, no, no, no, no!" I cryed, rocking back and forth. "This can't be happening!"

The door opened wider and I didn't bother looking to see how it opened, my eyes instead landing on by parent's corpses.

Their throats had both been slit.

I turned away and retched, over an over and over again, until I was a mess of tears and vomit.

Before I knew, it I had passed out. Having no idea of the murderer who picked me up.


I woke up strapped to something cold and hard. I tried moving my limbs, but only succeeded in rubbing the straps against my skin and irritating it.

"You're awake," A voice hissed. "Oh good, it's so much better when they're awake."

I strained my eyes up to catch a glimpse of this person, but couldn't move my head at all. My head had been strapped down as well.

"Shall we begin?"

I began thrashing again as tears welled up in my eyes until pain hit me.

I screamed out in agony and caught a glimpse of yellow eyes, much like my own.

"After all that your worthless parents put me through, this should be fun."

I could feel myself being rearranged from the inside as burning pain spread from my back down to my tail bone.

It was the worst pain imaginable.

I soon passed out from all the screaming.


I had woken up again minutes later, pain making shoot awake. I was now strapped on the table lying on my stomach.

My shirt was missing, exposing my back to the cool musty air. I tried moving around around only to make no progress.

New tears streamed down my cheeks. I silently cried there for hours as those yellow eyes mocked me, laughing at my pain.

There was only more to come.


Whatever he did to me, changed me. Both physically and mentally.

My back and tail bone constantly ached, and huge lumps formed. Two on my upper back, connected to my rotator cups and one over my tailbone.

The man studied me carefully, making me spend most my days strapped to a table face down so he could observe the strange lumps.

"I didn't expect this," He said, a curious waver in his voice. "I wonder what these lumps will do."

I stayed silent, a defeated look on my face.


My eyes snapped open and I screamed in absolute agony. It wasn't long before a guard came over to my cell and started rattling the bars.

"Hey-! Shit, get the boss!" One of the underlings yelled at another.

I tried to focus on their conversation to ignore the pain, but it wasn't working.

I heard a ripping sound in three places, and somehow I knew those lumps had broken open. I glanced back and saw ugly naked bird wings and a tail missing most of it's scales.

The wings were small, not proportionate to my body, and the tail had barely emerged.

"What's this?"

I managed to look up from my pathetic heap on the floor and saw those beady yellow eyes, crinkled in the corners to show he was smiling.

"Restrain him and bring him to my lab immediately." He ordered, turning to leave.

My teeth clenched in anger and I balled my hands into fists.

From the age of six, I was fucked up.


Did I even count as human anymore?

He's messed with me so bad that the only thing remaining semi-human looking is my face.

The wings had finally grown so that they were the correct size for someone of my size, and the tail had gained it's scales and was now almost to the floor. The wings- my wings, were now covered in shiny black feathers that were smooth to the touch.

I used to cry myself to sleep every night on the cold miserable floor. But eventually I stopped wasting my time like that, instead plotting ways I could escape.

The experiments had their side effects, that's for sure.

My bones became extremely brittle and were lighter, however I also healed faster. The only annoying thing was my eyesight, which was only getting progressively worse.

I couldn't see my hand in front of my face, but I could see a spider crawling up the wall from across the room.

After a while, I seemed to be forgotten. I was sure my seventh birthday had come and gone already, and that man didn't come see me nearly as often. He took notes, asked questions, and simply left.

I was fine with that though. I never wanted to see those times again. I grimace every time I see my reflection in puddles, it was those eyes again.

Maybe I was going insane from being here for so long. But one day, I attempted to gouge my eyes out with my own tail.

It failed miserably. A guard heard me panting heavily out of anxiety and quickly restrained me, calling someone else to help.

I was quickly knocked out and when I woke up I found my tail wrapped in layer of bandages and tied to a post by the end.

I frowned at that and sat up, wrapping my wings around my bare torso to keep warm.

Maybe I'm cold blooded now? Who the fuck knows?

I stare at the walls in boredom. Sighing deeply. Thoughts flitted in and out of my mind, it happened a lot since there wasn't much to do.

My wings used to be a nuisance to me, a pain, a bother, but now, I just want to be free.

Like a bird.


Prepare your assholes.

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