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Just warning you but this is in no ones POV unless I say it is. Kay? Kay.


Yuuto had seemed fine that day, for the most part. He was on edge at the start but he had seemed to calm down after the test had begun. But now he lay there on the grass, shivering and crying in his sleep like a child, curled up in a ball as tears splattered against his glasses.

Kakashi immediately panicked.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" He cursed. "What did I do? I didn't do anything?!"

"Kakashi-sensei!" Sakura exclaimed tears in her eyes. "We have to get him to the hospital!"

Sasuke stared at Yuuto with wide eyes, feeling a newfound sense of pity for the boy. While Sasuke hid it well, he too had his own troubles. 

Naruto continued to flail, squinting from a distance and managing to see Sasuke, Sakura and Kakashi huddled around something or someone. Naruto spawned a shadow clone and the clone cut his down, nodding before disappearing into a cloud of smoke. Naruto ran over to his team quickly, his face was stricken with worry.

"Yuuto?!" He yelled, staring in shock at the shivering boy.

Yuuto just continued to sob and shiver, occasionally crying out a mumbled word or name.

"Kakashi-sensei! We have to get him to the hospital!" Sakura shouted again.

"Yeah!" Naruto agreed.

"Get me out of here so we can go!" Sasuke growled.

"But what about your first official mission?" Kakashi asked.

"Screw the mission!" Naruto roared. "A teammate should mean more than some mission!"

"You all agree?" Kakashi said, raising an eyebrow.

The three of them nodded.

"Then let's go!" Kakashi chirped, way too cheerful for the situation.

Kakashi smiled underneath his mask, deciding he'd tell them the news later. He bent down and put an arm under Yuuto's back and the other under his knees and hoisted him up, startled by his weight. Kakashi also felt two bumps on his back and frowned. Something wasn't right.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura cried. "I something wrong?"

"It's nothing, let's go." Kakashi smiled.

No point in worrying them more.

"Don't forget me!" Sasuke yelled. "I'm still in the fucking ground!"



Team seven arrived at the village hospital as quickly as they could, Kakashi still carrying the cold and shivering Yuuto. His pale face was alarming, but there was no way to tell if it was worse than usual. His lightweight was also very concerning, along with the bumps on his back.

Kakashi practically kicked the door down, startling a nurse that sat behind the front desk.

"C-can I help you?" She squeaked.

"Help him!" Naruto exclaimed, pointing to Yuuto.

"U-Uh alright then, follow me?" She said nervously.

The short nurse lead them down a hallway and into an empty room, instructing Kakashi to lay him on the bed.

"I'll need his name and guardians name." The nurse said, picking up the clipboard from the foot of the bed.

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