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I was right about one thing. I slept like shit last night, and now I have to go meet my team for a mission I know is going to go wrong.

"Breakfast is ready!"

I adjusted my glasses by pushing them up my nose and swung my pack onto my shoulder, grabbing my bow and quiver before heading into the dining room. I set my things down next to my chair and looked towards the kitchen, where Tenzo stood in his stupid pink apron.

Tenzo glided into the dining room with a plate stacked high with pancakes. He put two large ones on my plate and three on his, drowning them in syrup. He passed the syrup to me and I lightly drizzled it on top. I honestly don't feel much like eating right now.

"Are you excited for your first mission outside of the village?" Tenzo asked, cutting into his fluffy pancakes.

"More worried than excited," I admitted, pushing my food around. "So many things could go wrong in an instant."

"Don't worry so much, you and your team are all very strong and talented." Tenzo said, pointing his knife at me from across the table. "Besides, you have Kakashi-senpai on your team."

"That's true, my team isn't helpless." I smiled. "Thanks for breakfast Tenzo, but I should get going, wouldn't want to be late after all."

"Get going already!" Tenzo chuckled. 

I swung my bag onto a shoulder and put my quiver over the other shoulder, grabbing my bow in my right hand. I made my way to the front door and opened the door, facing Tenzo once more.

"Bye, Tenzo!" I said, waving.

"Bye! Be safe!" Tenzo replied, turning his face away. "Now go!"

I think he's crying. What the hell? I shake my head and slip away. Tenzo was such a drama queen.

I try and relax on my way to the village gates, my nerves had gone crazy and I was anxious to get this mission over with. Who knows, maybe me being here changed events so dramatically that this will turn out to be a normal C-rank? Who am I kidding, this is going to be a grade-A total cluster fuck.

The sun had barely risen and the morning was cool, but not too cool. Despite how pleasant this morning was, it didn't help to soothe my worries. I approached the gates and the booth, waving good morning to Kotetsu and Izumo as I walked up to my team. Sakura and Sasuke were already there, along with the client, Tazuna. Sakura made doe eyes at Sasuke as he ignored her, and Tazuna continued to drink. Apparently, the time of day doesn't matter when you're an old drunk like Tazuna. His drinking could even be a coping mechanism for something.

Sasuke glanced at his watch, a look of irritation clearly on his face. Sakura ignored his cues to leave him be and continued complimenting him and gushing over him. I decided to step in.

"Morning Sakura, Sasuke!" I chirped, brushing past Tazuna.

Tazuna shrugged and continued drinking.

"Oh, morning Yuuto!" Sakura cheerfully replied.

I paused for a moment, letting some of my surprise bleed onto my face. She hadn't referred to me rudely, although ever since the bell test, she's been nicer. I covered up my moment of shock with a small, friendly smile.

"Morning." Sasuke grunted, looking t his watch again.

There was no doubt that it was now well past 7 am, and neither Kakashi nor Naruto had arrived.

"So, Kakashi-sensei and Naruto haven't arrived yet?" I ask although I knew the answer.

"I expected Naruto to be here on time, but I'm not surprised in Kakashi-sensei's case." Sakura scoffed, rolling her eyes with a smirk.

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