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Still in no one's POV.

Inoichi was confused. One second he's interrogating some criminal, and the next he's being summoned to some kids bedside. Not only that, the kid has fucking wings and a tail.

"I hate to do this such short notice Inoichi-san, but we need your expertise, that and you have permission from the Hokage to even know the truth about this kid." The doctor sighed, looking at the sleeping boy who was covered in blankets and now peacefully sleeping.

"What the hell happened?" Inoichi asked.

"His sensei mentioned that he said something and then he vomited and collapsed, soon passing out." The nurse said.

"Past trauma?" Inoichi guessed.

"Don't know, no one really does." The doctor said. "Tenzo-san could tell you more than I can."

"Let's just say that Orochimaru left him behind after fucking with him for a bit." Tenzo scoffed. "Throw in the possibility that he witnessed his families murder and experiments done by Orochimaru and you've got it for the most part."

"We need you to do a little digging Inoichi-san." The doctor said. "We can't help him if we don't know how."

Inoichi glanced at the sleeping kid.

"Alright, I'll do it."


Getting into his mind was easy, but then again, he wasn't fighting it and he's a genin.

Inoichi's consciousness floated through Yuuto's mind passing several doors that flitted with memories, some happy and others bad. One memory depicted a four-year-old boy receiving presents. One gift was a hand made stuffed dragon and the other was a small bow and a quiver of arrows.

As Inoichi began to explore further and further, he got to older and older memories. He passed fuzzy memories of childhood and even dark memories of pain and suffering. But one memory baffled him.

One door was just complete darkness, no sound, no light. Just darkness. It was as if Yuuto had memories of before he was even alive. Even more baffling, the doors still went on, as if there was someone else's lifetime of memories on top of his own. But they were all fuzzy as if being viewed on low resolution.

Inoichi had seen many minds, but this one was different.

And he had a guess as to why.


Inoichi gasped and he was back in the real world, Tenzo, the doctor, and the nervous nurse crowded around him as Yuuto still slept somewhat soundly.

"How much do you all actually know about his past?" Inoichi asked.

"Honestly not all that much," Tenzo admitted. "When he first came here, he was a little unstable and the Hokage was going to question him for information, but he was seven and still recovering from being with Orochimaru. Did you find something?"

"Kind of." Inoichi replied.

"What do you mean kind of?" Tenzo asked.

"His memories," Inoichi sighed. "They're different. He has more than he should."

"What do you mean?" The doctor asked, suddenly feeling very left out.

"He has memories from today to the day he was born, to beyond that." Inoichi explained. "He has a memory of just darkness, and beyond that, he has another lifetime's worth of memories."

"How is t-that possible?" The nurse asked, adjusting the blanket over Yuuto so that it hid his wings and tail.

"It shouldn't be, key word being should," Inoichi said. "However, there is one possibility."

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