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"Team 10 will consist of Shikamaru Nara, Choji Akimichi and Ino Yamanaka."

Ino groaned and slammed her head down on the table while Choji munched on chips happily. Shikamaru just sighed.

"What a drag, my prediction was right, the Ino-Shika-Cho combination was going to be continued." Shikamaru sighed.

Sakura and Ino made faces at each other, glaring holes into each other's heads.

"Team 8 will be Kiba Inuzuka, Hinata Hyuuga and Shino Aburame."

Hinata frowned a little, but quickly wiped the look off her face, giving me what she hoped was a reassuring smile.

"And Team 7 consists of Naruto Uzumaki, Sakura Haruno, Sasuke Uchiha and..."

Naruto looked both happy and sad, while Sakura had a similar look on her face. Sasuke acted passively.

"Because of the uneven amount of graduates, Yuuto Tatsumi will also be on team 7."

My head snapped towards Iruka, my hand seeming to rocket up on its own.

"Yes, Yuuto?" Iruka asked.

"Why am I on that team?" I asked.

"Yeah! Why am I with Sasuke!" Naruto shouted.

"I'll answer both of your questions." Iruka sighed. "The teams are made to be balanced since Sasuke had the best scores, and you had the worst, you're put together. As for Yuuto and Sakura, each of them excelled in their own areas, Yuuto was better at the basic three jutsu while Sakura did better academically."

I shrugged, I really can't refuse logic. However, my knowledge from here on is almost nothing. I never finished watching the anime, I only remember watching up to the C-rank mission, and even then I never got past the part where they fight that dude with a big ass sword. In short, I'm very screwed.

"Now wait here, your new sensei will be coming to pick you up momentarily," Iruka said, leaving the room.

I completely spaced out, not even noticing how much time had passed until Naruto poked my shoulder.

"What is it?" I asked, pushing up my glasses.

"Sorry," He mumbled. "I thought you had died or something, you haven't moved in over an hour."

"I'm still very much alive." I sighed.

Not like being alive was my choice really. I was fine with staying dead.

Naruto walked away, picking up a dusty chalkboard eraser and wedging it between the wall and door. I smirked, this would be fun.

"What are you doing Naruto?" Sakura scoffed, a hand on her hip.

"This is what he gets for being so late!" Naruto replied, giggling as he jumped away from the door.

"Do you really think he'll fall for that?" Sasuke frowned. "He's a jonin, an elite shinobi."

"Yeah!" Sakura exclaimed. "There's no way he'll fall for that!"

"He will." I cut in, smirking.

"Yeah right!" Sakura huffed.

"We will just have to wait and see then, won't we?" I shrugged.

I took off my glasses and gently put them down, folding my arms on the desk to make a makeshift pillow. I laid my head down on top of my arms and made sure I had a clear view of the door.

A gloved hand appeared through the door, sliding it over as a head popped in. A chalkboard eraser fell on his head before bouncing off and hitting the floor.

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