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Chains cut through the air and wrapped around Kakashi, their sharp, jagged edges barely pressing into his skin. 

It all happened to fast.

One second we were fine, Kakashi was reading, Sakura was talking about some useless shit, Sasuke was silent, and Naruto was singing, quite badly. The next second, Kakashi was being ripped to shreds and our lives were in danger.

"One down." One of the men grunted out in a gruff voice.

The two men charged at us, raising their large metal claws and shooting their chains. Sakura jumped in front of Tazuna, and Sasuke didn't even skip a beat. Naruto and I remained frozen in fear. My knees trembled and my vision was blurry. I knew I was on the verge of tears.

Sasuke grabbed the men by the claws and jumped, landing a kick to both of their chins. They flew back in different directions, but before they could escape, Sasuke threw a shuriken and a kunai, pinning their connected chain to a tree.

Sasuke turned to Naruto and me with a smirk, opening his mouth to say something, however, before he could, the two men disconnected the chains and were free. One charged at Naruto, and the other was beginning to head my way.

I drew back my arrow as quickly as I could, aiming for his leg to slow him down, but my aim was shot. I still shook, my vision was blurry despite my glasses being on, and I had better aim with them off. I charged my chakra into the arrow and the tip ignited.

I clenched my eyes shut lightly and let the arrow fly, hearing a scream, the wind, roaring flames, and worst of all, the sound of flesh being pierced. 

Everyone was silent, too silent, terrifyingly silent. I unsurely open my eyes and what I see makes me stumble back.

A charred body, one beyond recognition with a bloody arrow sticking out of his chest, right where his heart is.

At first, I was in denial, but the facts were right in front of me. That was my arrow, I'm the only one who does archery. I killed him.

Oh my god, I killed someone!

Some blood seeped out from underneath the body and I lost it. That one scene from years ago replaying over and over again.

"Yuuto?" The suddenly alive Kakashi said. "Are you alright?"

I couldn't bring myself to speak, I just nodded.

"Do you want to go wash up?" He asked. "There is a stream just under two kilometres away to the south of here."

"Wash up?"

I sound so... Defeated.

"The blood."

I looked down and noticed that a small amount of blood had splattered onto my overcoat, staining the green fabric a little darker. I nodded again, grimacing at my bloody clothes. I was surprisingly calm, despite the urge to curl up in a ball and die, right then and there.

"Sasuke, while I deal with Naruto and the other Kiri nin who attacked us, can you please take Yuuto to wash up?" Kakashi asked, manhandling the other shinobi who wriggled in his grasp. "I don't think he should be left alone."

Sasuke nodded and turned to me.

"Let's go." 

We took off into the forest at shinobi speeds, running along the forest floor to the stream. The run was completely silent, Sasuke never even glancing at me once. While I appreciated that he said nothing, it was also nothing short of unerving. I couldn't tell if he was silently judging me, disgusted with me, angry with me, or any else of the sort.

"We're here." Sasuke said, stopping before a small river that wasn't any more than three and a half feet deep.

"Thank you, I can wash up by myself." I replied, reaching for the button of my cloak.

"Kakashi-sensei said not to leave you, I'm staying right here." Sasuke grunted, staring me down.

"Then at least turn around!" I huffed, my face flushing.

Sasuke rolled his eyes but complied to my request, turning around. My face still burned, although I didn't understand as to why. There should be only one reason that made Sasuke turn around, and that is the fact that he can't see my wings and tail. So why the hell do I feel like there's something more? We're both guys, it shouldn't matter.


Nope. Repressing that thought.

"Hurry up, I want to go back already." Sasuke grunted, crossing his arms.

"Calm down, I'll be done soon." I replied, gritting my teeth as I took off my bloodied cloak.

I took off my shoes and set them to the side, dipping my feet into the shallow water and dipping my cloak in the water. Next, I took off my shirt, dipping it in the water as well. My wings acted as a tapered cowl and covered my shoulders, keeping the winds bite off my skin. I squeezed the blood out of my clothes, watching as the patches of red mixed into the water and vanished, never to be seen again. I stared into my own eyes, noticing that they now seemed darker than before and even more sinister. Just like his.

My worst fears were coming true, my parents worst fears are coming true. I killed someone, something I never thought I would do. What the hell was I thinking?! Killing is in the job description of a shinobi! Of course, they wouldn't tell a child that.

I cupped some cool water and splashed it on my face. I can panic about this later, right now I just need to focus on finishing this mission and somehow staying alive. 


After washing up (several times might I add) I pulled another shirt out of my mission bag and slipped it on. I wrung out as much water as I could from my one and only cloak before putting it on, ignoring the shiver that ran down my spine. I put my sandals back on and gathered my weapon and bag, walking over to Sasuke and tapping him on the shoulder.

"I'm done here, let's head back." I muttered.

"Finally," Sasuke sighed, standing up. "You took forever."

"Ah, sorry..." I mumbled back.

I expected Sasuke to set the same pace as before, but to my surprise, he was going no faster than a light jog.

"I meant to ask you before," Sasuke started, breaking the tension. "But, are you alright? And don't lie to me." 

"No, I'm not alright," I bitterly replied. "I killed someone, something my parents had frowned on, something I never wanted to do. I took another person's life, Sasuke."

"But you had too." Sasuke reasoned. "At that moment it was him or us, you chose him."

"I don't get it." I said.

"He was going to kill you, and the rest of us if he could. Kakashi-sensei was too slow getting there to stop you from killing him, so what's to say that if you didn't kill him Kakashi would've arrived in time to save you?" Sasuke asked.

"Huh," I replied, dumbfounded. "I didn't think of that."

"The way I look at it Yuuto, you saved the team, and the client." Sasuke said, giving me a nod of what I think is approval. "Now why don't we speed up? It'll be dark soon and we have to meet up with the team."

"Yeah," I nodded, smiling. "And thanks, Sasuke."


Wowie, the gay is setting in. Because why have a straight main character when he can be gay. But not for Sasuke oh no no. Although, Naruto could have him... I don't know yet. Feel free to tell me what you think.

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