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The next morning I went out of my way to get up extra early, that way I'd have time to talk with Tenzo and just relax. I hadn't spoken to him since last night and we didn't talk much. I didn't even tell him I passed. I still need to show him my headband because I wasn't wearing it.

After getting dressed and putting on my glasses I looked to my nightstand and gazed at my new headband in thought.

Where would I put it? Should I dye the cloth a different colour? Actually, I like the white; it adds some colour to my dull appearance. 

At the end of the day though, I narrowed the spots to put it down to two. Either my right arm or around my neck. I couldn't wear it around my forehead because it interferes with my glasses. I don't know if having it on my arm is the best either, if I take off my coat then there goes my headband too.

I settled for tying it around my neck like Hinata. Protect the jugular!

Quietly, I tiptoed to the bathroom flicking on the lights and grabbing a hairbrush and elastic. My jet black hair now cascaded down my back to just above my tailbone, where my tail protruded. Usually, I would put my hair in a bun, but occasionally I would wear it in a ponytail.

I probably should cut my hair, but I'm too lazy to get an appointment somewhere and I'd hate to ask Tenzo for money. Soon I'll be earning my own.

A door down the hall creaked open so I quickly finished in the bathroom. I left the bathroom and hurried into the living room where Tenzo reclined on the sofa.

"Hey, Tenzo!" I exclaimed making him jump a bit. "I passed!"

I flicked my headband hanging around my neck.

Tenzo turned to me and his face screamed pure elation.

"That's great!" He replied happily. "I'm sorry I didn't ask about it yesterday."

"It's okay." I shrugged. "I know you're busy and it was late."

"Did Hinata pass too?" He asked.

"Sure did!" I grin.

"So you're off to get assigned to your squad then?" He asked.

"Hai." I nod.

"Alright, but be sure you tell me who's on your team when you get home." Tenzo yawned. "I think I'm going to sleep in for a bit."

"Alright, I'm going to make myself breakfast and head to the Academy," I replied, shuffling into the kitchen.

"Goodnight," Tenzo mumbled, stumbling towards his bedroom. "Good morning?"

"Just go to sleep." I sighed.

Tenzo mumbled something again and stumbled into his room. The door shut and I heard a loud thud. He's probably just passed out on the floor.


I shoved my hands into my pockets and hummed a pleasant tune to myself as I walked to school. A smile adorned my face as I thought about the teams.

From previous knowledge, I already know what the teams should be. Keyword being should. Who knows, maybe me enrolling in the Academy somehow screwed the teams up. I'm just curious if I'll be added to a team as an extra. If that ends up to be the case I hope I'm with Hinata.

My humming was soon interrupted by a small fleeting voice.


I shrugged it off at first, thinking it had to be the wind.

"Yuuto! W-wait up!"

This time I looked back and my eyes locked onto a purple haired figure coming towards me.

"Good morning Hinata." I said, slowing my pace so she could catch up.

Hinata came to a stop next to me, her head coming to just above my shoulder.

"G-good morning." Hinata smiled. "Are you excited?"

"Very excited, what about you?" I replied, firing the question back at her.

"M-me too, I hope I can be on the same team as you or..." She trails off and a red blush dusts her cheeks. "N-Naruto-kun."

"Yeah, it all depends on our skill levels and abilities." I hummed. "For example, one of the teams will have the best and worst, along with a middle man of sorts. Other teams may be put together because of specialties, like tracking."

"It does make s-sense." Hinata agreed as the Academy comes into view.

Let's just hope that I end up on a team of tolerable people with good intentions. I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?


Hinata and I approached the door just to be trampled by two blurs. One was blonde and purple and the other, pink and red.

I didn't find out why they were blurry until Hinata handed me my glasses.

"I was here first! Move it Forehead!"

"My toe was in the door before yours Inopig!"

Ino and Sakura bickered back and forth in front of the door, pushing and shoving each other to get in first.

My eyebrow twitched in annoyance and I shoved them inside, hopping over their bodies.

"What the hell Crossdresser?!" Ino roared.

"You were in the way." I shrugged.

I walked past them and up to my seat to see if Hinata had followed me. She had.


The relatively peaceful silence was broken once Naruto entered the room, grinning like an idiot. 

"Naruto? What the hell are you doing here?" Kiba asked, his little white dog Akamaru yipping in agreement.

"Yeah, only people who passed can be here." Shikamaru added.

"I did pass!" Naruto exclaimed. "Look at my headband!"

Both of them did and quickly shut up, only Sasuke speaking up.

"Did you pass by fluke?" He smirked.

Naruto jumped up onto the desk in front of Sasuke's face. Naruto's face contorted into a scowl, glaring at Sasuke.

"What did you say to me?!"

"Are you deaf?" Sasuke snickered. "I said, did you pass by fluke?"

"I earned this headband!"

"Yeah, right."

Sparks flew as the two boys proceeded to glare at each other until they were rudely interrupted. I smirked, already knowing what was going to happen. The boy in the row in front of them suddenly stood up, making Naruto fall face first into Sasuke's face. Their lips connected and it wasn't long before they were both coughing and spitting.

Before the army of ravenous fangirls could initiate an attack, Iruka walked in, yelling at everyone the catch their attention.

"Oi! Sit down!!"

The fangirls sulked but walked to their seats, sending Naruto nasty glares as Iruka cleared his throat. Hinata and I both giggled, although Hinata was doing more of a nervous chuckle.

"Listen up because I'll be explaining this once!" Iruka exclaimed. "It's time to announce your squads!"

The room went dead silent as a feeling of anticipation settled over the room. I glanced at Hinata. 

Please let me be on her team.


And now we can really get things started! Look forward to writing next chapter! Be sure to vote, comment, and share my book with others!

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