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I didn't expect Tazuna's house to look as nice as it did. The streets were filled with homeless and starving people, and Tazuna fit right in with them. But the house was a good size with two floors and next to the water's edge. In the distance, you could see the bridge being worked on.

We awkwardly set Kakashi down on the front step as Tazuna opened the door, pushing it open and helping us drag Kakashi in. Tazuna and Sakura were at the front, with Sasuke, Naruto and I helping to push him in. A shrill scream made me flinch and I looked at Sakura in confusion.

"Is that a body?!"

Tazuna sighed. "He's just unconscious."

"Then hurry up and bring him in here!" The female exclaimed.

Once we managed to drag Kakashi into the living room, I got a good look at the woman who had screamed. She had long black hair and dark eyes, and her skin seemed pale, maybe as pale as me. She took off Kakashi's vest, looking for any obvious signs of injuries, when she found none, she sighed in relief.

"He's exhausted and soaking wet," She chuckled. "Other than that, he'll be fine."

"That's a relief." I sighed, my shoulders slumping.

"Oh my, you're all soaked," She sighed. "I can take your cloak, socks, and anything else you'd like me to dry."

I quickly jumped away, holding my cloak to my body.

"No, I'm fine." I smiled weakly.

"I'm sorry, I'm being quite rude, my name is Tsunami." She introduced.

The rest of us introduced ourselves, including Naruto, who introduced Kakashi for him.

"I suppose I should show you four your rooms then." Tsunami smiled. "Follow me."


My bag, quiver, and bow hit the floor with a dull thud. I then hopped onto the cot on my half of the room. I contemplated laying down, but I had other matters to attend to first. My hair was a wet uncomfortable mess, along with the rest of my clothing. I pulled a towel from my bag and then left the room, heading down the hallway and to the bathroom that Tsunami had shown us. I entered and locked the door, opening cupboards in search of a hairdryer. I was elated to find a small white hairdryer underneath the sink.

I plugged it into the wall, placing it on the counter as I took off my soaked clothes. I hung the clothes over the tub, standing there in nothing but my boxers. My tail flexed, sore from being curled around my waist for so long. My wings drooped, heavy from the amount of water that had covered me. 

Some days I wish I was part duck, at least their feathers are water resistant, wet feathers is a very uncomfortable feeling, especially when your back muscles twitch every so often.

With my clothes hung up, I turned my attention back to my hair, turning the hairdryer to medium heat and power, gently combing through it section by section. Once my hair was dry, I tied it up into a messy bun, then taking the hairdryer and turning the power up, pointing it at my clothes. After my clothes were done, I dried off my shoes and sash, putting everything back on. I cleaned my glasses on my coat, slipping them onto my nose and pushing them up. I found myself staring at my pale reflection for a moment, just a moment though.

I headed back to my room, bumping into Tsunami on the way.

"Yuuto, right?" Tsunami asked.

"Uh, yeah?" I replied awkwardly.

"I just wanted to let you know that I'll have something ready for dinner in about an hour." She smiled.

"Alright, I'm just going to go out for a bit, I'll be back by then though." I said, skirting around her and to my room.

Tsunami nodded before gliding away.

I silently slipped into my room, making eye contact with Sakura, who sat on her bed with a less than pleased look.

"You alright there Sakura?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"Nothing against you, I just don't want to share a room with you." Sakura replied, crossing her arms

"Why? I'm not that bad." I asked.

Sakura narrowed her eyes. "You better not be some pervert."

"Why would I look?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Are you gay or something?"

I narrowed my eyes back. "No."

Sakura shrugged. "Okay then."

"Anyway, I'm going out for a bit, see you later." I sighed.



I channelled chakra to my feet, placing a foot on a tree trunk and tugging at it. When it didn't come free, I walked up, until I was eventually at the top of the tree. I slipped my coat off, tying it around a tree branch so that it hung like a flag in the wind. I took my glasses off and tucked them into a pouch on my belt, also tying my sash around a tree branch with my coat.

I spread my wings, letting the wind catch my feathers. I stretched for a moment before jumping, spreading my wings, and taking off. I glided towards the sea, not going too far past land in case I got tired. I flapped every so often to stay up, gliding through the air and back towards the forest, I glided over the trees. I circled the area for a while until I eventually got the feeling I should head back. A few feathers fluttered away, but I paid them no mind as I headed back to Tazuna's place, ready for whatever was being made for dinner.


I could hear something as I checked my surroundings. I was sure to check around me for threats. Front, behind, left, right, below, and finally above. A black blur shot through the sky, much too big to be a bird, but what else could it be? Something fluttered down and I was quick to step away, watching as it landed on the ground silently. It was a long, black feather. It shimmered in the sunlight and was quite pretty. However, I was confused. No bird I could think of had feathers this large.

Up ahead, something shimmered in the sun. Carefully I approached it, bending down to get a closer look. It was a shiny green scale, about three times the size of a regular fish scale. It wasn't alone either, just ahead I could spot a few other scales that looked like they had just fallen from above.

Truly, this was a mystery. What did these huge feathers and scales come from?


Sorry, I haven't updated this in a while, I had a bit of writer's block for a while, but I'm good now. The next few chapters should be easier to write for me. Look forward to that!

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