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I couldn't really be sure how long we were walking, but I guessed that it was at least fourish hours. The sun had set, and all around me people were setting up tents and making a fire, meaning they were making camp for the night.

One masked woman ushered me towards a tent, however, I shied away. I just met these people, no way in hell was I trusting them right away.

"Get in the tent dammit!" The woman in a monkey mask yelled. "What, you going to sleep outside?."

I shrugged.

"Monkey, stand down." The captain interrupted.

Monkey immediately cowered. "Yes, captain."

"Yuuto will sleep with me." He decided. "He and I have matters to discuss."

And that's why I like him. While everyone else treats me like a kid, he treats me like an adult. I mean, I kind of am an adult. You get the point. For some reason, I just felt like he was trustworthy.

"Listen Yuuto," He began, leading us away from the camp. "I know you're probably having a hard time trusting any of us, but I promise the people with me are good people."

I nodded but wasn't fully convinced.

"I also understand what you're going through." He said, making me turn to him in confusion. "You're not the only one who survived Orochimaru."

"Orochimaru?" I rolled the name around on my tongue. "That's his name?"

The captain nodded grimly.

I clenched my fist and stared him straight in his masked eyes. "At least I know his name now."

"Why is that so important?" He asks.

"Because it'll make it easier to end him one day." I growl out.

The captain looked neither shocked, nor disturbed. He just nodded.

"Good luck with that." He said.

"Can I ask you something...?" I paused, unsure of what to call him.

"Tenzo is fine." He said. "And you can ask me whatever you like."

"Right, so Tenzo, what exactly did he do to you?" I ask.

He chuckled. "I suppose it's easiest to just show you."

His hands blurred together, although it didn't help that they were already blurry, and something huge and made out of wood rose from the ground after he touched it.

"Holy crap!" I gasp. "Is that a freaking house?!"

I refrain from cursing, I am 'seven' after all.

"Sure is." Tenzo replied. "And it's all ours."

I whistle, heading inside. "Sweet! Oh, it's so much bigger inside!"

Tenzo just laughed, following the poor blind child that is me, inside. I was already starting to feel myself become less recluded.


For the first time in years I had a wonderful sleep, minus the one time I woke up in a cold sweat after having a pretty bloody nightmare.

That shit wasn't going to leave my mind anytime soon. Especially my parent's bloody faces.

All that aside, I woke up in a decent mood to a decent breakfast cooked by the masked people I learned were called ANBU Black Ops, or just ANBU. We had eaten some fresh fruit and grilled fish, which was surprisingly good, although that could've been just me due to the fact I've eaten awful food for the last who knows how long.

After Tenzo's temporary house was demolished, we moved on, walking at a slower pace because of me and the fact that it was a large group. I, however, was thankful we were going slow, it gave me a chance to take in the changing surrounding.

For the first few hours of the day, all I could spot were fields of rice and farmers fields. But afterwards, the landscape changed into a thick forest of trees.

"We've just crossed the border into the Land of Fire." Tenzo says from beside me, his mask still secured to his face.

It may be hard to believe, but despite the fact I'd never seen his face, I trusted him.

"How much longer until we get to Konoha?" I ask curiously.

"If we continue this pace, another day." He replied. "The only way to get there faster is if we carried you, or you flew the whole way there. However, I can only imagine how tired you would eventually get."

"Then how about we run?" I suggest. "I honestly just want to be able to relax somewhere warm."

"Should I carry you?" Tenzo asks.

I nod. "No offence to everyone else, but they haven't earned my full trust."

"Understandable." Tenzo said, his hands blurring together. "Wood clone!"

As he suggested, an exact replica of himself formed from wood, keeping a grainy texture for an instant before texturing itself to look exactly like Tenzo. The clone knelt with it's back facing me.

I carefully climb onto the clones back.

"I'm not going to get splinters am I?" I asked in a joking way.

"Good one," He snorted. "A splinter free ride guaranteed, or you get your money back."

I laugh. "What money?"

"Anyways, let's get moving." Tenzo said, turning to his team. "Full speed!"


The group took off and the wind whipped through my hair and ruffled my cloak, revealing my tail and wings every time it flapped around in the wind. My wings unfurled slightly, letting the wind run over the feathers, tugging a few of them away, never to be seen again.

My eyes kind of adjusted to our speed. Spotting birds high in the sky or small animals like lizards on the forest floor. Of course, I couldn't see much of what was directly in front of me.

Can't wait to get my eyes checked.


A few hours later the group of ANBU came to a complete halt in front of a huge stone wall with giant wooden double doors acting as gates.

The Tenzo clone set me down and dispersed into splinters, making me quickly step away. I'm still freaking barefoot, pretty sure my feet are covered in scratches by now.

I rock on my feet to get some of the feeling back, after not walking for hours my legs decided to fall asleep. Tenzo's blurry figure approached me, adjusting my cloak before leaning down to whisper in my ear.

"I know this seems bad, but can you just hide your wings and tail until we reach the Hokage's office?" He asked gently.

"Sure." I shrug, curling my tail around my waist like a belt and pressing my wings tightly against my back.

"Thank you." He said, giving me a thankful nod.

"No problem," I reply, giving him a tiny smile.

We approach the gate, and sitting at a booth sat two men, who looked like they were on the brink of unconsciousness.

The first had bandages over his nose and spikey black hair, the second had longer brown hair that went down to cover his left eye.

"Back from your mission, I see," The black haired man nodded.

"Anything noteworthy you're bringing back?" The other man added.

I stepped out from Behind Tenzo and offered the blurry figures a smile and a polite wave.

"Yuuto, Yuuto Tatsumi," I smiled. "Nice to meet you."


More than one chapter in one day? Impressive for me! It's almost 11pm though, so goodnight.

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