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Dean Ambrose POV

I sat in the middle of the mess I made in the hotel room. At the hospital helped Seth too his feet and asked if he could take Summer to a hotel. Why didn't he ask me? I didn't arrive at the end to kiss up to Summer because she was my boss.

I was having a war with my mind if I should send abusive messages to Summer and Seth. I kept typing up what I would like to send to them but suddenly kept regretting it. I was planning to tell Summer how she ended up in hospital in the first place.

I stood up and walked to my suitcase. We'd been in Texas all week so I bought a six pack of beers for if anyone pissed me off. An hour later I was stumbling around the hotel room with a weak headache. Man, did that get worse. I didn't realise until I was awake the next morning. According to a note left on my door I'd been shouting at the top of my voice. I also actually did send an abusive text. I told Summer some unforgivable things. Fuck, I screwed up.

Summer Rae POV -RAW

Seth had been a darling since he helped me out of the hospital to the hotel. I had the double bed, Seth had the couch. He even came with to speak to Stephanie and Triple H. Since 4 am someone was yelling my name and Seth's. I already knew who. Seth then read me a text that had come through on my phone. Messages of abuse. The messages seriously hurt like hell.

"Summer, it's nice too see you back!" Stephanie cooed.

"It hasn't been that nice for me.." I gestured Seth to get my phone out of my handbag. My thick neckbrace limited me so much, that's when Seth stepped in and made my life easier.

"Please read these messages Stephanie," I slightly faked tears. Triple H looked over her shoulder and his face just dropped. "Dean sent this?" she asked looking highly concerned for me, "Sorry but we don't things like this happening outside of the company. Summer,we will have to fire him. This is a former of unprofessional conduct!"

Me and Seth now had a promo were poor, pathetic Dean Ambrose looses his job. It was his own fault.

Dean Ambrose POV

I drank on Saturday and Sunday and was definitely feeling the full effects tonight. My brain felt like mush and backstage I kept having a horrid double vision. Seth drove me to drink.

I was getting ready in the locker room. I'd never took so long to put my ring attire on. My mind was all over the place, it got me too the point where my boots where on the wrong feet.

I slowly made my way to catering. Maybe some food could of helped me. Then I heard a very familiar voice saying some very familiar words. I looked up at the TV. Summer and Seth. Of fucking course!

From Dean Ambrose

Trust you Summer to believe some fucking kiss-ass. He probably plans to get pg-13 with you when your neck is better! Between you legs is how Seth wants to win a championship! If he gives it to you, you'll just hand him his title!

Summer Rae POV

"That was one message, it is far from as abusive as the otherside. Sadly for you, these are highly unable to be aired."

Seth took my phone off me. "Dean Ambrose, please come out here!"

His music hit and he slowly walked out without a microphone. He couldn't attack Seth! He'd be fired a Seth could get him charged for battery!

"Oh hello Dean!" I deliberately sarcastically smiling at him. "Do you remember sending those messages?" He just glared at me angrily. Well of course it's horrible to be exposed! "Dean, I'm afraid your little rage has got you in hot water!" I kept smiling at him, "Dean kiss the WWE universe goodbye because...YOUR FIRED!"

Dean Ambrose POV

How the fuck could she! My career ended just because I was pissed off at her and her ass kissing shit. I hesitated at first before running to the ring. I at first attacked Seth. I was pounding his body with my fists. I pulled his greasy two-toned hair before tossing him outside the ring by his hair. I approached Summer. Fear struck her face. I pulled her in for a kiss.

"Oh Dean, you call me and ass kisser! Your kissing Summer, are you trying to get your job back?" Seth had found a microphone and was pathetically teasing me. "You don't win her over like you think Dean! That's not the way!"

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