she finds it romantic'

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Dean Ambrose POV - Saturday

I only have two things to say about last night. It was damn good and we didn't get any further than taking off our underwear. Summer isn't that dirty.

I sat behind Summer on the hotel bed massaging her neck. I kept teasing her about her cutting off her neckbrace and she'd slap me playfully. She moaned in pain as I massaged her, "I'll drive you to the hospital when it's lighter, I hate driving in the dark" Summer woke up at 4:20 and took her tablets. I soon awoke twenty minuets later when she flopped back into bed.

I stopped the massage and sat around next to her. "Why did you stop?" she selfishly moaned, "Just did I suppose!" I weakly laughed.

It turned 6 am so we decided to get ready. I took my clothes and got changed in the bathroom. Considering what happened the night before she was still a bit funny about me being there when she was getting changed. Something probably happened before a show between her and Seth. Probably something similar to what happened on raw.

Summer sat in the passenger seat wearing my hoodie. "That's mine you know" I laughed "So what, I'm freaking freezing"

We arrived somewhat quite early to the hospital. I handed over a sheet about what happened to Summer and he said a doctor would be with us soon.

Seth Rollins POV

I certainly knew Dean and Summer had a fuckfest last night. I was paranoid about the kiss in the car and everything that could of happened last night. I kept splashing cool water on my face. How the hell could she go from despising a person to sleeping with them? It made fucking zero sense. She made no sense!

Summer Rae POV

I had two emotions walking out of the hospital. I was pissed off that I had a neckbrace back on but I was actually glad to hear my neck has made wild improvements meaning I get the shitty brace taken off in five weeks time. I walked to the car where Dean was. He was talking to someone on his phone. I felt like I'd rudely interrupted when I opened the car door. Dean acknowledged me and hung up. "Nice to see you wearing a neckbrace again!" he glanced at me and gave me a cheeky grin.

We drove off but we weren't heading towards the hotel. "Where are we going?" he didn't take his eyes off of the road to talk directly. "You'll see!" I felt my heart sink in fear. Dean's the lunatic fringe, god knows where he'd be taking me a 7 am.

Dean Ambrose POV

I stopped the car outside of the beach. "Now Summer, take in mind I normally would of done tonight but then I thought it'd be more private early in the morning" Summer excitedly looked at me. I didn't know what was running through her mind. "You wouldn't of bought any towels or something.." she sighed at me. "Well then you can sit on my lap!" I joked but I think she bought it.

She took my hoodie off and gestured for me to sit on in. Summer had actually bought my joke and she sat on my lap. "Dean, a couple days ago I fucking hated you!" she smiled. "Something made me love you. She had her phone in the hoodie pocket and she pulled it out dropping it on the sand. Awkwardly we both leaned in to kiss eachother stealing eachother's idea. She showed a hell lot of love. Her heard her phone ring. She leaned for balance and accidentally answered the call.

Seth Rollins POV

"Hi Summer," I spoke down the phone. If she was talking, I couldn't hear a thing. It was all windy and I heard a couple of 'mmm's' quietly in the background. "Summer can you hear me? It's Seth!" I wasn't going to hang up until she answered me.

Summer Rae POV

Dean had me on my back trying to bury me under the sand for a joke. I laughing and it made me sound weak when I was telling him stop. My t-shirt had bunched up around my chest. All the sand was on my stomach and all over my jeans. I was childishly slapping Dean with my hands even if they flopped around like noodles.

Seth Rollins POV

I stillstayed on the phone, I could here Summer's voice much clearer now. She was telling someone to 'stop'. I panicked a small bit. "Summer where are you?" I asked. I kept the phone near my ear listening for a clue.

Dean Ambrose POV

I cautiously hoisted Summer over my shoulder. She was screaming but laughing at the same time. "Don't dump me in the see" she screeched but I could sense happiness in her voice.

I dropped her in for a laugh and she retaliated by tugging me in with her. We walked deeper. The water was just below  her neckbrace. When I dumped her in, she was in the shallow end. I'd be fucked. I hugged her in the water but to my surprise I got pushed. "Whoops!" she smiled at me laughing.

Seth Rollins POV

I heard all that I needed to hear. Summer mentioned the sea. There was only one place, the beach. I sped in my car hurriedly. On the phone she sounded like she needed help. I pulled into the near car park and ran. I saw Summer's phone dropped on a hoodie of Dean's. I looked about and saw the two together in the sea.

Dean Ambrose POV

Summer twirled her blonde hair around her finger. She looked me in the eyes. Something had my shoulder behind me. They pulled me into the sea. They approached Summer and kissed her. I saw someone trying everything in her power to pull away from the mystery person. They were much to strong for her. I walked around to Summer's side and tried to pull her hips away from the person. It wasn't effective. Soon the let go of her. "I've always wanted more than that since I met you, this lunatic can do nothing for you!" Summer looked back at me then to.her kisser who happen to be Seth. It's freaking obvious. "No you wanted more in your career since you met me. You couldn't settle for the tag titles so you turned.on your 'brothers' put of jealousy. You'd try me every night but you never succeeded. And Mr Rollins I got you a match for Summerslam. A first blood match against my boyfriend!"

Summer shocked me when she referred to me as a boyfriend. And she shocked me when she verbally handed Seth's ass to him.His ego better shrink. I drove back with Summer with Seth's car trailing behind.

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