Taste Test

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Dean Ambrose POV

I stood outside the divas locker room waiting for Summer. The nearest TV screen show doctors attending to Seth. For one thing out after attack wasn't even that powerful, it was just the only thing we could mesh together to make us look decent. A pale figure walked out clutching her bag and wearing very loose clothing. "Step away Ambrose, your little lover girl is gunna be a while.." She closed the locker room door behind her. "It is only Summer in there right?" Paige nodded. Probably challenging my chances of being in WWE, I opened the door.

Summer looked round, still in her ring gear. "Dean, your lucky no one else is actually here, I don't want you to be fired!" I smirked and approached her. We started to kiss in the locker room, never thought I'd do that...

Once our lips parted Summer smiled and whispered "Thats hotel stuff Dean.." She could see the smile that had widened across my face, "No Summer, the hotel is for all things unairable on the WWE network!" She let out a giggle, was that supposed to be taken seriously or was I joking? She pulled away slowly and reached for some jeans. "I'll keep this shirt on, but can I atleast put these on?" I nodded too her. She then pointed to the door and I followed her gesture.

Summer Rae POV - Hotel

I kept noticing Dean look across the hotel room at me. "Admiring?" I called over to him. "Just imagining somethings darling," I watched a smile grow on his face. "Care to show me?"

Dean had me on my back and was kissing all the taste out of my mouth. He released the kiss and turned his attention to my jeans. As soon as I knew it I was laying there feeling the coldness of the room. Only the smartest would get what I just said. "I love you Summer Rae, I fucking love you!"

Sorry about the short chapter, writing smut is my weakest point but I need to showcase their relationship. My other Fanfiction is now about Velvet Sky (Tna) and Fandango.

First video is on my NEW YouTube: SummerAmbrose xx AlexaJericho.

The Screw Job (Summer Rae/Dean Ambrose)Where stories live. Discover now